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Best Vitamins For Eyes


If you want to keep your eyes healthy for the long run, consume proper eye vitamins. Consuming these vitamins you can also keep away many diseases. Though there are minerals and vitamins available in every food item, but you can easily target specific areas in your body by eating foods which are rich in particular vitamins.

However, living in this era of fast foods it is really tough to get a healthy meal comprising of adequate minerals and vitamins. This can also be the reason why you should consume specific vitamins like the eye vitamins.

Vitamins For Healty Eyes

Lutein and Zeaxanthin

Lutein and Zeaxathin are new popular eye vitamins obtained from vegetables. They are the antioxidants concentrated mainly in areas like lens, macula and retina. Having efficient amount of these vitamins in your diet will certainly keep your eyes healthy. However, there are some possible side effects worth considering if you are consuming more than what is required.

Vitamin A and Beta Carotene

Deficiency of vitamin A in your body can even cause blindness. Though these types of problems are very rare in developed countries, but in under developed countries where most of the people suffer from malnutrition are also succumbed to such diseases. Beta carotene, on the other hand, though helps in maintaining healthy eyes, but a chain smoker can invite other complicated diseases. If you are a smoker, you should avoid beta carotene as a part of your eye nutrition.

Vitamin C and Bioflavonoids

Bioflavonoids and vitamin C are the most common antioxidants and are useful for preventing serious eye problems like cataract. The popular food sources of these vitamins include fruits and vegetables and are solely meant for the patients suffering from dry eyes or degeneration of eye muscles.

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Vitamin E and Zinc

Being an antioxidant, vitamin E protects the cell membranes against the free radicals produced as a part of metabolic by-products. Hence, just like vitamin C, it also reduces the risk of cataract and muscular degeneration in eyes. Zinc, on the other hand, apart from exhibiting several other protective effects, helps in complete absorption of these antioxidant vitamins.


Vitamin B2 and Selenium are the other two important vitamin components for your eyes. However, you do not need a prescription to purchase this eye vitamin, unless you are suffering from AMD or you are in need of some extra dosage. While choosing the accurate vitamin tablets for your eye, you also do not have to go through the eye nutrition page. All you have to do is purchase over-the-counter vitamin tablets from the nearest pharmacy which are quite cheaper and also render the required amount of nutrients to your eyes.

The dosages vary from one to four pills per day and depend upon the intensity of the embedded minerals and vitamins. These tablets are good for us as long as the dosages are restricted to moderate amount. Consuming too much of these vitamins and minerals can be equally dangerous. According to a study related to AREDs, a daily dosage of minerals and vitamins can even help you to prevent AMD.

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