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Vitamin E has strong antioxidant properties and helps keep our body young and healthy. It helps strengthen our immune system and protects our body from infections. Vitamin E is needed by our body cells for carrying out many important functions. Severe health problems can arise in an individual with vitamin E deficiency.This deficiency is rare as our body requires very low amounts of vitamin E daily and this requirement is easily met by those having a balanced diet. Most people who develop vitamin E deficiency are those who are suffering from some health conditions or injuries that prevent proper absorption of this essential vitamin.
Alcoholism and liver diseases can also cause vitamin E deficiency. This vitamin can easily be obtained naturally from food sources such as fruits and vegetables, milk, eggs, nuts and seeds, etc. Some people may be advised to take vitamin E supplements regularly. Given here are some of the symptoms that will help you recognize vitamin E deficiency.
Vitamin E Deficiency Symptoms
Dry Skin
The first and most obviously visible vitamin E deficiency symptom is dryness of skin. If your skin has become very dry and feels rough, it could be due to vitamin E deficiency. This vitamin is a strong antioxidant and helps prevent the damage done to our body and skin from free radicals.It helps keep the skin looking smooth and youthful. Consuming vitamin E rich foods and applying vitamin E oil on skin can help correct this condition.
Muscle Weakness
People suffering from vitamin E deficiency often show symptoms such as pain and numbness in the hands, arms, feet and legs. They also experience muscle weakness, cramps, and may suffer from fatigue all the time.Vitamin E deficiency causes neurological disorders and can result in conditions like myopathy, peripheral neuropathy, and spinocerebellar ataxia . It is best to take corrective dietary measures to prevent vitamin E deficiency.
Vitamin E plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells and helps prevent blood from clotting. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and its deficiency causes damage to the red blood cells, which can result in a condition called anemia.People diagnosed with vitamin E deficiency are often anemic. Infants with vitamin E deficiency have lower birth weight and show symptoms like anemia.
Poor Balance
A deficiency in vitamin E causes nerve degeneration and oxidative stress on the tissues and cells of our body. Since our nervous system gets weakened, one of the most common symptoms observed is loss of balance.The affected person may experience loss of coordination, and find that his reflexes have become slower. The nerves of the limbs become weak, resulting in poor balance.
Vision Problems
Vision problems are also associated with vitamin E deficiency. One of the major symptoms observed in vitamin E deficient people is retinal degeneration.The inner eye lining of a person deficient in this essential vitamin gets damaged, which results in poor vision and night vision problems. People suffering from vitamin E deficiency often have vision problems and should take vitamin supplements to prevent the worsening of this condition.
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