Parasites are the organisms that depend on other living organisms (host) for nourishment and protection. It is derived from the Greek word Para that means beside, and sitos, which means food. There are more than 100 types of parasitic worms that live in human bodies. These parasites can also make the animal as host. But the most sufferers are the human beings. They are the main causes of food borne and waterborne diseases. They enter the human body through the medium of food and water.

Causes of Prasites
The various causes of parasites are:
- Poor digestion and elimination
- Bacterial imbalance
- Diet low in fibre
Home Remedies for Prasites
Half gram of Sprague powder with an equal amount of molasses is highly beneficial for the removal of all types of parasitic worms. This is one of the best parasites treatment.
Daily intake of two grated carrots with an empty stomach in the morning removes worms.
Fry 5-10 seeds of bitter melon (Karela) in a little ghee and take 2-3 times in a day. This is one of the effective home remedies for parasites.
Parasites treatment - Spearmint juice with lemon and black salt is antiworming.
Daily drinking of coconut water and chewing coconut continuously for 3-4 days removes worms. This is one of the effective parasites cure.
Drink 200 grams of milk with 2 teaspoonful of castor oil to remove the worms with stools. This is one of the useful parasites remedy.
Take half gram Sprague powder with a pinch of black salt at night with warm water daily. This is another effective home remedy for parasites.
Powder the seeds of lemon and take a pinch of these seeds daily with warm water.
Daily intake of pomegranate juice removes stomach worms.
Seeds of papaya mashes with milk taken with one teaspoon of castor oil also remove worms. This is one of the effective diet for parasites.
Spiegel seeds with roasted fennel in equal amounts taken twice daily are highly beneficial and is one of the effective home remedies for parasites.
Diet for parasites - Drink buttermilk with half gram Sprague powder. In adults 2 grams of powder with 125 ml of buttermilk is effective. This can be done for 3-7 days depending on the requirement. This is one of the good natural remedy for parasites.
Take 2-3 red tomatoes, cut them into 4 pieces and apply black salt and black pepper, eat them with an empty stomach daily for 3 days to 3 weeks. This treatment helps in curing teeth biting and also cleans the tongue. This is a good home remedy for parasites.
The seeds of the ripe pumpkin are useful in the removal of tapeworms. Make an infusion after peeling and crushing the seeds. This is also one of the useful parasites remedy.
The juice of boiled dry prunes taken after fasting for a day is also helpful in the removal of the worms.
Mix 1 tblspn raw Papaya juice with 1 tspn of honey and take this on empty stomach in morning. This should be followed by a glass full of warm milk to which 1 tspn of castor oil should be mixed. This treatment should be done for two to three days. This is one of the effective home remedies for parasites.
Natural remedy for parasites - Fatty foods such as butter, cream, oil, refined foods and all flesh foods should be avoided.
For more helpful information Read Article Home Remedies for Parasites.