An abrasion is a wound that is known to occur as a result of damage to the skin. Abrasions usually occur as a result of the skin being exposed to rough objects. Abrasions are often filled with dirt and gravel. In cases of deep abrasions, there is a high risk of developing an infection. This is why it is extremely important to keep such abrasions as clean as possible. This helps to keep infections away to a great extent.

Types of Abrasions
There are three types of abrasions and are classified on the basis of the damage they cause to the different layers of the skin. The three types of abrasions are first-degree abrasions, second-degree abrasions and third-degree abrasions. A first-degree abrasion is associated with damage to the outermost layer of the skin, which is known as the epidermis. A second-degree abrasion occurs due to the damage caused to the epidermis and dermis, which is the layer of skin beneath the epidermis. Such an abrasion may also be accompanied by bleeding. A third-degree abrasion is associated with damage to all the three layers of skin and such an abrasion requires immediate medical attention.
Symptoms of Abrasions
Pain is a very common symptom that is associated with the development of an abrasion. The pain is often accompanied by the symptoms of inflammation and tenderness. In cases of deep abrasions, the person may also begin to develop numbness around the affected area. This may also be accompanied by heavy bleeding.
Causes of Abrasions
An abrasion may occur as a result of friction with a sharp object that may result in opening up of the connective tissues in the skin. An abrasion is usually associated with damage to the uppermost layer of the skin, which is known as the epidermis.
Home Remedies for Abrasions
Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera is known to be one of the best home remedies for treating abrasions. This is because it helps in regenerating the skin tissues that are damaged. It is also known to be helpful in preventing the development of infection in the affected area, as it possesses antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. The anti-inflammatory properties of this herb help in reducing the inflammation that affects those who have abrasions. This herb also helps in soothing the skin, as it possesses cooling properties. Health experts highly recommend the use of fresh aloe vera gel to treat abrasions. You can extract the juice by squeezing the juice of an aloe vera plant and apply it to the skin.
Gotu Kola
Gotu kola is a plant that is part of the parsley family and helps in treating abrasions effectively. The University of Michigan Health System states that gotu kola is effective in treating abrasions, as it possesses anti-oxidant properties that help in speeding up the process of healing. Gotu kola is effective in treating all types of abrasions, including deep abrasions. It is also known to be helpful in preventing large scars from developing after the wound has healed completely, as it decreases the production of collagen. In order to treat abrasions using gotu kola, you can either take it orally or apply it to the affected area. The University of Maryland Medical Centre recommends the usage of a topical cream that contains around 1 per cent of gotu kola for skin abrasions.
Astragalus is an effective herb that has been used extensively in Chinese medicine in order to treat a host of ailments. Astragalus is known to possess anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help in the treatment of abrasions. Astragalus helps in the prevention as well as treatment of infections that may affect those who suffer from abrasions. The dried root of this herb is used to treat health conditions. You can take astragalus orally by making use of tablets and capsules or you can apply it to your skin in the form of a topical cream. Health experts suggest a dosage of 250-500 mg of this extract, four times in a day. The University of Maryland Medical Centre recommends the usage of a topical cream that contains around 10 per cent of astragalus. Do not apply the cream to an open wound without permission from your doctor, as it can be harsh on the open wound.
Green Tea
Green tea is considered to be effective in the treatment of several health conditions. The University of Maryland Medical Centre states that green tea possesses astringent properties that are known to be helpful in the treatment of wounds and controlling bleeding. It is also known to possess anti-oxidant properties that help in preventing damage to the cells by free radicals. You can consume around 2-3 cups of green tea each day in order to treat abrasions.
Turmeric is a beneficial herb that has been used for centuries to treat a host of health conditions. Turmeric is used widely in cooking as it adds flavour and colour to the food. Turmeric is used in Chinese and ayurvedic medicine to treat problems such as digestive conditions, liver problems and skin diseases. This is due to the fact that it possesses anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. Curcumin, an active ingredient present in turmeric is considered to be helpful in the treatment of abrasions as it prevents the body from the damage caused by free radicals. The antiseptic and antibacterial properties of turmeric help in preventing as well as treating any infection that may occur because of an abrasion. You can consume turmeric by adding it to your food or you can also consume it in the form of a supplement. It is recommended that you consult your doctor regarding the dosage of this herb as it can trigger side effects such as nausea and vomiting, when consumed in high amounts. You can also apply some turmeric paste to the affected area in order to treat this condition.
Burdock is an effective herb that may prove to be beneficial in the treatment of abrasions. This is due to the fact that it possesses anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial properties that may prove to be helpful in speeding up the process of healing as well as to prevent the occurrence of an infection in the wound. The dried root of this herb is used to treat several health conditions and is available in the form of a powder supplement. This herb is also available in the form of a cream that can be applied to your skin to promote healing. It is important that you avoid applying burdock directly to open wounds, unless recommended by your doctor. You can also prepare a tincture of this herb and apply a clean cloth soaked in the tincture, to the affected area. If you are suffering from dehydration, it is highly recommended that you avoid consuming burdock as it has the effect of a diuretic on the body, thereby causing the problem of dehydration to get worse.
Honey is considered to be very effective in the treatment of abrasions. Honey has been widely used for centuries in order to treat a host of skin ailments as it possesses anti-bacterial properties. It also acts as a disinfectant that helps in preventing the occurrence of any infection due to the abrasion. You can treat this condition by consuming honey orally or by applying it topically to the skin. To treat abrasions by consuming honey, add around three to four tablespoons of honey to warm water and consume it. This remedy is considered to be effective in reducing the pain associated with this condition. You could also apply some honey to the affected area to bring about a speedy recovery from the abrasions.
Slippery Elm
Slippery elm is a common herbal remedy that has been used extensively in order to treat skin conditions that are accompanied by inflammations. This herb has been used to treat boils, burns, eczema, psoriasis and abrasions, as it possesses anti-inflammatory properties. The inner bark of this herb is powdered and dried, and is used to treat a host of ailments. In order to treat abrasions by using slippery elm, you can consume it in the form of a tea by adding around 4-5 grams of the dried root to 2 cups of boiling water. Health experts suggest that you consume this tea at least three times in a day to treat this condition. You could also apply this herb topically to your skin by making a paste from the dried root of this herb. To prepare this paste, you should add the powdered form of the bark to boiling water, until it becomes a thick paste. You can apply it to the abrasion to relieve the pain and inflammation associated with it. It is highly recommended that you avoid applying the paste to an open abrasion.
Lemon Balm
Lemon balm is considered to be an effective remedy for treating abrasions. This is due to the fact that it contains eugenol, which is an active ingredient that helps in destroying bacteria. These bacteria are capable of causing infections that may affect the abrasion in a negative way. You can apply a lemon balm cream to your skin to treat abrasions effectively. If you do not have access to lemon balm cream, you could also apply cotton balls dipped in lemon balm tea to the abrasion. To prepare lemon balm tea, add around half to one teaspoon of dried form of this herb to boiling water. This tea must be brewed for several minutes before cooling and straining it.
Thyme Tea
Thyme tea is considered to be an effective remedy for treating abrasions as it possesses antiseptic, antifungal and antibacterial properties. This herb is also known to exhibit antioxidant properties and is able to promote healing of the abrasions. It is also helpful in preventing as well as treating any infection that may develop as a result of the abrasion.
Onions are known to possess antioxidant properties that help in stimulating the immune system of the body. This must be done in order to destroy the bacteria that trigger infections in the abrasion. Health experts highly recommend topical application of onion paste on the abrasions to reduce the risk of developing an infection as well as to boost the recovery of the wounds.
Grapes are known to be helpful in destroying bacteria and promote healing of the abrasions, when applied topically as they exhibit anti-bacterial properties. Health experts suggest that grapes may help in absorbing the toxins present in the wound, thereby promoting fast healing of the abrasions. You could also consume grapes in their whole form. However, topical application is considered to be more effective in treating the problem of abrasions.
Other Home Remedies for Abrasions
- Apply some honey over the affected area in order to promote healing and destroy bacteria.
- Make a paste from dock leaves and apply it to your skin to promote quick healing.
- Make a paste from fresh plantain leaves and apply it to your skin.
- After washing the abrasion with water, apply some vitamin E oil or cod liver oil to the area, to promote healing.
- After washing the abrasion with water, apply some lavender oil to the affected area as it promotes healing and destroys bacteria.
- You can also wash the skin with hydrogen peroxide as it prevents the occurrence of any infection in the abrasion.
- Extract the juice of an onion and apply it to the abrasion.
- Dip a few cotton balls in apple cider vinegar and apply it to your skin. This will help in destroying the bacteria that may cause an infection in the wound.
Diet for Abrasions
Consume Protein-rich Foods
Proteins are considered to be the building blocks of all cells in the body and are required in order to repair and maintain tissue. Protein deficiency is known to impair the healing process of abrasions. Health experts highly recommend consuming around 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight in order to promote healing of abrasions. Foods that contain high amount of protein include fish, chicken, milk, eggs, whey and nuts.
Foods that contain Good Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are the main energy source required by your body to promote the healing of abrasions. However, it is important that you consume good carbohydrates in your diet as refined carbohydrates can deter the healing process of the abrasion. Foods that contain high amount of good carbohydrates are oats, quinoa, whole wheat bread, brown rice and legumes.
Abrasion Prevention
A person may suffer from abrasions by carrying out regular day-to-day activities. However, if you are involved in sports activities such as skateboarding, cricket or rugby, it is highly recommended that you make use of suitable protective gear to prevent the occurrence of abrasions.
Other Treatment Options for Abrasions
Vitamin C is known to play a crucial role in the production of collagen, which is required by your body to promote healing of wounds. Deficiency of vitamin C is also known to cause tooth loss, excessive bruising and bleeding gums. The foods that contain high amounts of vitamin C include green leafy vegetables, oranges, limes and tomatoes. Vitamin B1 is required by your body to break down proteins and carbohydrates. Deficiency of this vitamin is known to result in a decreased production of collagen in the body. Decrease in collagen production is known to result in deterred healing of the abrasion. The foods that contain high amounts of vitamin B1 include eggs, chicken, whole grains, legumes, fish and pork. Vitamin B2 is helpful in supplying oxygen to the cells of the body. It is also helpful as it causes the breakdown of nutrients such as proteins and carbohydrates. Deficiency of this vitamin is known to deter the production of anti-bodies that prevent the occurrence of infections in those who suffer from abrasions. Foods that contain high amounts of vitamin B2 include milk, fish, bread and green leafy vegetables. Vitamin B6 is also required by the body to breakdown protein to produce collagen. This collagen is required for the healing of abrasions. Foods that are good sources of vitamin B6 include bran, rice, poultry, yeast, walnuts and pork. Consult your doctor regarding your daily requirement of these vitamins as excess of these vitamins can trigger undesirable side effects such as nausea, vomiting and thinning of blood.
Polysporin is the name of an over-the-counter treatment that contains polymyxin B and bacitracin. This product is widely used as an antibiotic treatment that can be applied topically. Polysporin is a topical treatment that may prove to be effective in the treatment of skin abrasions. This is due to the fact that it contains anti-bacterial properties that help in destroying any bacteria which might cause infections in the wounds.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is considered to be effective in the treatment of skin abrasions. This is because it contains antibacterial properties that help in destroying bacteria and promoting healing of the abrasions. However, it is advisable that you consult your doctor regarding the topical application of this oil on your abrasions.