Angina is a condition associated with pain or discomfort in the chest that occurs as a result of the deterred supply of blood to the heart muscles. Angina is known to be a symptom of coronary heart disease (CAD), which is considered the most common type of heart disease. CAD is known to occur because of the build-up of plaque in the arteries, thereby hindering the flow of blood to the heart.

Symptoms of Angina
One of the most common symptoms of angina is the development of pressure and tightness in the chest. This feeling of pressure is known to occur mostly underneath the sternum (breastbone). In some cases, the pain may also occur in the jaw, throat, teeth, underneath the arms and back. Bloating and gas are also common symptoms that occur after having meals. These symptoms may also result in nausea and vomiting. In some cases, the person suffering from this condition may also develop weakness because of the deterred supply of oxygen-rich blood. If you begin to develop these symptoms, it is important that you consult your physician to diagnose the condition properly.
Causes of Angina
One of the major causes of angina is a blockage in the arteries that occurs because of coronary heart disease. In some cases, it may also result in heart muscle damage and heart attacks. If the arteries tighten abnormally, the affected individual may develop variant angina, which is one of the different types of angina. states that this type of angina is only known to affect around 2 per cent of the individuals that suffer from the problem of angina. If you perform intense physical activity such as running, jogging or playing sports such as football or basketball, the heart muscles need an increased amount of oxygen in order to function optimally. Narrowed coronary arteries deter the supply of oxygenated blood to the heart, which results in the occurrence of a type of angina, which is known as stable angina.
Types of Anginasuch as stress, smoking, physical exertion and hot or cold climatic
There are three types of angina, namely stable angina, unstable angina and variant angina. Stable angina is known to develop because of several factors conditions. Stable angina is associated with chest pain that occurs in the back and arms. Unstable angina is known to occur because of a partial or complete blockage in an artery. This type of angina is more severe than stable angina as it is certain that the individual will suffer from a heart attack. This type of angina does not occur due to physical exertion, stress or climatic conditions and cannot be treated by taking certain medications. Variant angina is known to occur in only 2 per cent of those who suffer from this condition. The pain associated with this type of angina is severe and usually develops during rest. However, it is important to note that medication can treat this type of angina effectively.
Home Remedies for Angina
Garlic has been widely used in order to treat several health conditions because it possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The University of Maryland Medical Centre has stated that garlic is beneficial in reducing blockages in the arteries and permits the blood to flow easily, thereby preventing the occurrence of heart disease. As blocked or narrow arteries are responsible for angina, consuming garlic might prove to be beneficial in preventing as well as treating this condition. Garlic is also helpful in decreasing cholesterol, which is responsible for blocking the arteries.
Cayenne is a hot pepper that is used in cooking as well as to treat several health conditions. Cayenne pepper is considered helpful in treating the symptoms of pain, discomfort and indigestion, which are associated with angina. This is due to the presence of capsaicin, which is an active ingredient present in cayenne peppers. Nutritional expert Dr. Earl Mindell, author of 'Dr. Earl Mindell's Natural Remedies for 150 Ailments' highly recommends the consumption of cayenne pepper in order to treat the symptoms of angina effectively. You could consume this herb in the dried form or as a capsule.
Hawthorn is a very effective herbal remedy that is known to possess antioxidant flavonoids called oligomeric procyandins, which are helpful in dilating the blood vessels, thereby improving the flow of blood to the heart. In some cases, hawthorn may trigger certain side effects such as nausea, headaches as well as the occurrence of palpitations.
Kudzu is also a very effective herb that is considered to be effective in treating the symptoms of angina. According to a research study published in the Journal of Chinese Medicine Materials in January 2004, it was stated that kudzu might prove to be effective in the treatment of unstable angina. The author who conducted the study noted that an injection of this herb was more effective in treating the symptoms of angina as compared to the traditional angina medications. You should consult your doctor before using this herb as it can interact with certain medications.
Khella is another useful herb that is considered effective in treating angina. Khella is known to be a part of the parsley family that possesses spasm-relieving compounds called khellin. Research studies have indicated that purified khellin is effective in relieving the symptoms of angina. Khella is known to boost the supply of blood to the heart muscle and help in reducing the pain as well as discomfort in the chest region.
Green Tea
Green tea is considered beneficial in the treatment of angina as it promotes the flow of blood through the arteries by unclogging them. This is because it possesses anti-oxidant properties that help in reducing the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries. You should consume green tea two to three times each day in order to prevent as well as treat this condition.
Fatty Fish
Fatty fish are known to possess a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids that play the role of an antioxidant and help in reducing the cholesterol in the arteries, thereby increasing the flow of blood to the heart muscle. The fish that contain a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids include tuna, mackerel, sardines and salmon.
Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is known to possess flavonoids that are helpful in improving the functioning of the muscles of arteries, thereby promoting smooth muscular contractions and increasing the blood flow to the heart.
Ginger is known to possess anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties that might help in treating angina. Ginger is known to be useful in dilating the blood vessels, thereby improving the circulation of blood to the heart. You can consume ginger in the raw form or as a supplement.
Gingko Biloba
Gingko biloba is another common herb that is helpful in boosting memory as well as the flow of blood to the brain. NewsMax Health website reports that Gingko biloba might also be beneficial in clearing the plaque present in the arteries. Gingko biloba is known to possess the properties of an antioxidant and helps in the treatment of angina as it reduces the plaque present in the arteries, thereby increasing circulation of blood to the heart muscle.
Other Home Remedies for Angina
- Lemon juice has been used extensively in the treatment of angina. This is because it reduces the build-up of plaque in the arteries.
- Onion juice is also effective in treating angina as it reduces the build-up of cholesterol in the arteries. Drink onion juice as you wake up in the morning, for maximum benefits.
- Parsley tea can be consumed two to three times each day, as it is helpful in treating angina.
- Consume fresh grape juice in order to treat angina as it boosts the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
- Honey with lemon juice is another effective remedy for treating angina. Mix one tablespoon of honey along with ½ teaspoon lemon juice in water and drink it before you go to bed.
- Consume one teaspoon of holy basil juice along with one teaspoon of honey to treat this condition. Consume this juice on an empty stomach.
Diet for Angina
Avoid Saturated Fats
If you suffer from angina, it is highly recommended that you avoid foods that contain a high amount of saturated fat as it can increase the levels of bad cholesterol. Avoid butter, whole milk, yogurt, animal fat and fried foods. You must replace animal fats in cooking with vegetables oils such as olive oil, sunflower oil and rapeseed oil. You must remove all the visible fat from the meat before consuming it. Include fish such as sardines, mackerels and tuna in your diet as they are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids that help in reducing cholesterol.
Consume Enough Fiber
Fiber is considered helpful in reducing the absorption of cholesterol, thereby preventing the clogging of the arteries. Therefore, consume a high amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet, as they are excellent sources of fiber.
Angina Prevention
There are several factors that are considered responsible for the development of this condition. If you avoid them, you will be at a decreased risk of suffering from angina. It is important to quit smoking as it increases the risk of developing angina. Follow a healthy diet plan and include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, as they contain a high amount of antioxidants and fiber. Exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight as it will reduce your chance of suffering from this condition.
Other Treatment Options for Angina
Aspirin is known to be beneficial in reducing blood clotting, thereby allowing the blood to flow easily through the arteries to the heart muscle. Preventing blood clots is known to decrease the risk of suffering from a heart attack. It is highly recommended that you consult your doctor before taking aspirin to prevent clotting of blood.
Statins are the drugs that are used in decreasing bad cholesterol. They are known to lower the cholesterol as they block a substance required by your body for the production of cholesterol.
Nitrates are considered to be beneficial in dilating the blood vessels, thereby increasing the flow of blood to the heart. Nitroglycerin is one of the most common types of nitrates and is consumed orally by allowing to dissolve under the tongue. Health experts have stated that nitroglycerin may act within a few minutes of consuming it and the effect of this treatment lasts for around 30 -40 minutes. Long-lasting nitrates can also be consumed orally.