Alcoholism is known to be a chronic condition in which is associated with an uncontrollable desire to consume alcohol, regardless of the negative effects that it can have on the body. In this condition, the individual consumes high amounts of alcohol even if he is aware of the negative impact it has on his finances, relationships and career. Those who suffer from alcoholism are also known as alcoholics. If this condition is not treated on time, it can result in the occurrence of several conditions such as peptic ulcers, epilepsy, alcoholic dementia, cirrhosis of the liver and heart disease.

Causes of Alcoholism

The actual reason behind alcohol abuse is not known; however, scientists have stated that a combination of genetic and environmental factors is considered to be responsible for this condition. Several research studies have been conducted on adopted children whose biological parents were alcoholics. The research studies indicated that these adopted children were at a greater risk of suffering from alcoholism as well. According to a recent research study conducted to determine the role of genetics in this condition, it was discovered that a gene named D2 dopamine, when passed down from parent to child makes the child prone to suffering from alcoholism in the future. It is also important to note that there are several other factors, which are responsible for alcoholism. Social factors such as influence of peers, family members and accessibility to alcohol are known to increase the risk of alcoholism. Psychological factors such as high levels of stress and the inability to cope with it effectively can increase the risk of alcoholism as well.

Symptoms of Alcoholism

Several symptoms might indicate if an individual is suffering from alcoholism. One of the initial symptoms of this condition is that the individual will not be able to control the amount of alcohol that he consumes. The individual may also begin to suffer from withdrawal symptoms such as trembling, sweating as well as nausea if he is kept away from alcohol for some time.

Home Remedies for Alcoholism


Kudzu is an effective herb that is found mostly in Japan and the root of this herb is widely used in order to treat several health conditions for centuries. Kudzu is a remedy that helps in treating alcoholism as it reduces the urge to consume alcohol. In the book ‘Prescription for Herbal Healing’, nutritional consultant Phyllis A. Balch has stated that kudzu is known to have a similar effect on the body as the drug disulfiram, as it causes nausea and discomfort when the person tries to consume alcohol.


Igoba is a popular herb that is native to central Africa and is used in the treatment of addictions to substances such as heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine and alcohol. The effectiveness of this herb is due to the presence of a psychoactive alkaloid named ibogaine, which is known to act on the opoid, dopamine as well as serotonin receptors. This helps to decrease the cravings for the particular substance such as alcohol or cocaine. It is important that you consult your doctor regarding the side effects of this herb as it can interact with certain medications.

Bell Peppers

Bell peppers are considered effective in the treatment of alcoholism due to the fact that they are good sources of vitamin C. The University of Maryland Medical Centre states as the brain levels of dopamine are altered, a person may begin to crave for alcohol. Vitamin C is known to be an antioxidant that is helpful in preventing the oxidation of dopamine, thereby proving to be effective in the treatment of alcoholism. The Daily Green states that a half-cup serving of this vegetable provides you with around 142 mg of vitamin C. When cooked, it contains around 116 mg of vitamin C.


Broccoli is considered an effective home remedy for treating alcoholism. It is also beneficial in reducing the risk of suffering from conditions such as arthritis, diabetes and heart disease. Broccoli is considered an excellent source of vitamin C, which is helpful in treating alcoholism. Half cup of broccoli provides you with around 89.2 mg of vitamin C.


Grapes are known to provide you with the purest kind of alcohol. Therefore, regular consumption of grapes will prove to be helpful in reducing the desire to consume alcohol. Health experts highly recommended consuming at least two servings of grapes at intervals of five hours during the day for about 30 days.


Oranges are considered one of the best sources of vitamin C, thereby proving to be helpful in the treatment of alcoholism. The Vitamin C Foundation states that a medium-sized orange provides you with around 70 mg of vitamin C. If you want to consume orange juice, it is highly recommended that you make the juice at home, as the packaged varieties may not contain enough vitamin C.

St. John’s Wort

St. John’s wort is an effective herb that is native to Europe and has been used extensively due to its antidepressant effects on the body. This herb is helpful in reducing withdrawal symptoms associated with alcoholism and it can be used to reduce alcohol cravings. According to a research study published in ‘Alcohol and Alcoholism’ in July-August 2005, it was observed that when an injection containing an extract of St. John’s wort was administered to animals who craved for alcohol, there was a significant decrease in their desire to consume ethanol voluntarily. Following that, the researchers also observed that this herb is effective in reducing alcohol cravings. Before consuming this herb, consult your physician regarding the dosage and the possible side effects of this herb.


Dandelion is a common herb that may prove to be beneficial in reducing the damage caused to the liver by the excess consumption of alcohol. The University of Maryland Medical Centre states that this herb is effective in treating liver conditions and is often consumed with milk thistle. This is because it possesses anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. If you suffer from an allergy to marigold, ragweed, chamomile, yarrow and chrysanthemum, it is advisable that you avoid consuming this herb.


Passionflower is a very valuable herb that may prove effective in combatting the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, according to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Centre. Passionflower has been used extensively to treat symptom of anxiety that is associated with drug addictions and may also be beneficial in treating anxiety that is associated with alcoholism.

Evening Primrose Oil

Evening primrose oil is known to possess essential fatty acids such as linoleic and gamma linoleic acids, which play the role of antioxidants. They are helpful in protecting the cells of the body from damage caused by free radicals, such as in the case of alcoholism. Alcoholism is known to cause damage to the vital organs of the body such as the heart, circulatory system and liver. Therefore, consuming this herb may prove effective in reducing the damage caused by alcoholism to these vital organs.

Other Home Remedies for Alcoholism

  • To treat alcoholism, consume a few apples each day. This helps in eliminating alcohol from the body.
  • Consume four to five dates each day. They are considered effective in reducing the desire to consume alcohol.
  • Add three teaspoons of bitter gourd juice to a glass of buttermilk and consume it on an empty stomach. This home remedy is considered beneficial in reducing alcohol cravings.
  • Raw celery juice is also helpful in treating alcoholism. Consume one glass of raw celery juice along with one glass of water once in the day. Consume this juice every day for a month.
  • Carrot juice is also considered effective in the treatment of alcoholism. This is due to the fact that it helps in reducing alcohol cravings. If you begin to crave for alcohol, consume carrots in the whole form or as a juice.
  • Lemon Juice is also considered effective in preventing the urge to consume alcohol. Consume one glass of lemon juice each day to treat this condition.
  • Orange juice is also helpful in treating alcoholism as it contains a high amount of vitamin C. Consume one or two glasses of this juice each day.
  • Almonds are helpful in treating alcoholism as they reduce the urge to consume alcohol. Consume around 8-10 almonds each day to prevent alcohol cravings.

Diet for Alcoholism

Avoiding Saturated Fats

The University of Maryland Medical Centre states that consuming low amounts of saturated fats and regulating meal timings is helpful for those who are recovering from alcoholism. During this time of recovery from alcoholism, the affected individual may begin to overeat. Therefore, it is essential that the person consume foods that contain a low amount of saturated fats. In cooking, you should make use of canola oil and olive oil, as they possess a high amount of omega 3 fatty acids.

Avoiding Saturated Fats

The University of Maryland Medical Centre states that consuming low amounts of saturated fats and regulating meal timings is helpful for those who are recovering from alcoholism. During this time of recovery from alcoholism, the affected individual may begin to overeat. Therefore, it is essential that the person consume foods that contain a low amount of saturated fats. In cooking, you should make use of canola oil and olive oil, as they possess a high amount of omega 3 fatty acids.


Natural News states that consuming high fiber foods is helpful in stabilizing the levels of blood sugar and prevents cravings as well. Foods that contain a high amount of fiber as well as nutrients include fruits, beans, legumes, green leafy vegetables and whole grains. You should try to include some amount of whole grains at every meal, as they are nutrient dense as well as good sources of fiber. Whole grains that contain a high amount of fiber include pasta, brown rice, oatmeal, whole-wheat bread and cereal. The University of Michigan states that consuming these foods is helpful in reducing the desire to consume alcohol.

Low-fat Protein

It is imperative that you include high amounts of lean protein in your diet to overcome alcoholism. The University of Maryland Medical Centre recommends a diet rich in fiber and protein for those who are recovering from alcoholism. Consume low fat sources of protein as this helps in reducing alcohol cravings and the urge to consume junk foods. Lean sources of protein include egg whites, sardines, tuna, lean beef, chicken breast and skim milk. Those who suffer from alcoholism might also be suffering from kidney damage due to excess alcohol. Therefore, it is important that you consult your doctor regarding the amount of protein you should include in your diet as excess protein places great stress on the kidneys.

Alcoholism Prevention

Alcoholism can be easily prevented by recognizing the early signs of this disease. Loss of interest in hobbies or talking to people, slurred speech, memory lapses and bloodshot eyes are also common signs that may indicate the development of this condition. Frequent mood swings and excess alcohol consumption in secret are very common signs of this problem. Recognizing these signs and seeking medical help quickly will help in preventing the person from developing alcoholism.

Other Treatment Options


Vitamin C is considered effective in the treatment of alcoholism. High amounts of vitamin C are known to be helpful in increasing the production of epinephrine and serotonins, which are neurotransmitters that play a crucial role in boosting your mood. GABA is a non-essential amino acid that plays the role of a neurotransmitter. Vitamin C is required for the synthesis of GABA. The University of Maryland Medical Centre states that consuming high amounts of alcohol is known to alter the chemicals of the brain, especially GABA. The levels of GABA in the brain are important as they help in overcoming alcoholism. The level of dopamine, which is also a neurotransmitter, is altered by consuming alcohol. Vitamin C is known to play the role of an antioxidant that is helpful in preventing the oxidation of dopamine and the alteration of GABA, thereby proving to be effective in treating alcoholism. Several foods contain high amounts of vitamin C and they include lemon, orange, broccoli and grapes. Those who suffer from alcoholism need to consume a high amount of vitamin B1 as excess consumption of alcohol prevents the breakdown of vitamin B1. Deficiency of this vitamin is known to contribute to the development of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, which is a condition that affects the brain and has a negative impact on vision, co-ordination, vision, and memory. Vitamin B3, also known as niacin, is a vitamin that is helpful in treating alcoholism. According to the University of Michigan Health System, niacin is helpful in treating those who suffer from alcoholism. It has proven to be effective in reducing alcohol cravings.

Amino Acid Supplements

Those who suffer from alcoholism are known to be deficient in amino acids such as glutamine, tyrosine and tryptophan. Health experts have stated that these amino acids are of great importance to the body as they help in the production of serotonin and dopamine, which are neurotransmitters that help in boosting your mood. Research studies have indicated that consuming high amounts of alcohol alter the level of these neurotransmitters, thereby triggering an urge to consume alcohol. Foods that contain a high amount of tryptophan include peanuts, milk, yogurt, cheese, chicken and turkey. Dopamine is known to be present in foods such as eggs, legumes, mutton and chicken.

Oral Medications

Naltrexone (ReVia) is a drug that is helpful in reducing the urge to consume alcohol by reducing the good feeling derived from it. Acamprosate (Campral) is a drug that may also be helpful in reducing alcohol cravings. This drug is considered more effective in treating alcoholism, as it does not make you feel sick after consuming alcohol.

Injected Medication

Vivitrol is known to be a type of the drug naltrexone and can be administered in the form of an injection once a month by a physician. This form of naltrexone is easier to use, in comparison to the pill form.

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