Stress affects our body in the same way as the food we eat. It can be defined as a state manifested by a specific syndrome that consist of all the non-specifically induced changes within a biological system. Any condition that harms the body or cells damages or causes the death of a few or many cells is termed as stress. It is an unavoidable consequence of life. The body tries to repair the damaged cells but sometimes the rebuilding of cells is not able to keep co-ordination with the destruction as a result the condition of stress occurs. Many diseases are associated with stress and they are heart disease, diabetes, headache and peptic ulcer. Other diseases resulting from stress are ulcerative colitis, chronic dyspepsia, asthma, psoriasis and sexual disorders.
Causes of Stress
The various factors responsible for the stress are:
- Hormonal factors
- Chronic disease
- Overload of work
- Feeling of inferiority
Home Remedies for Stress
Yogurt is the best home remedy for stress. It is rich in vitamin A, B complex and vitamin D. It provides relief from insomnia, migraine and cramps associated with menstruation. It is a best diet for stress.
Make a tea by pouring a cup of boiling water over one teaspoon of dried sage leaves. Strain and sweetened, with honey, if required. This is also good natural remedy for stress.
Blackstrap molasses are another effective food remedy. It is a by-product of the sugar refining process and is rich in iron and B vitamins.
Alfalfa and sunflower seeds are also effective in the stress treatment.
Sprouts are also effective diet for stress as they are rich in calcium.
The leaves of holy basil known as tulsi are highly beneficial in the stress treatment. Chew 12 leaves of basil twice a day morning and evening for preventing stress. Tulsi is known as adaptogen or antistress agents.
Using various ayurvedic herbs like brahmi, ashwagandha and St.John Wort are also highly beneficial in the treatment of stress. These herbs can be taken as capsules or can be infused in boiling water to make tea. (Available at Good home remedy for stress.
Hot water bath is one of the beneficial water treatments in providing relief from anxiety and stress as it relaxes the whole body. Good home remedy for stress.
Stress cure - Brisk walk for at least 45 minutes daily is also effective in dealing with stress.
Smoking or sniffing ajwain seeds frequently also provides relief from stress and anxiety
Yogasanas like pavanmuktasana; sarvangasana, halasana, ardhmatysyendrasana, bhujangasana, dhanurasana, yogamudra, padmasana and trikonasana are also beneficial in the treatment.
Various yogic kriyas like jalaneti, kunjal, pranayamas such as kapalbhati, anuloma-viloma, shitali, shitkari and bhramari are also effective for stress.
Meditation is also effective stress remedy to provide relief from stress as it diverts the mind to some good thoughts.
Chew twelve leaves of basil two times in a day for preventing stress. This is one of the simple and effective home remedies for stress.
Pantothenic acid is very important in preventing stress.
Coffee, soft drinks, salt, smoking and alcohol should be avoided as they all deplete B vitamins that are considered necessary for reducing stress.
Add some fresh Rose petals to a cup of boiling water and add sugar and drink as and when there is a feeling of depression. This is one of the good and effective home remedies for stress.
Regular physical exercise also plays an important role against stress as exercise provides relaxation and recreation. This is one of the simplest and effective stress remedy.
Drink a hot cup of milk mixed with honey and cinnamon. It will help calm you down and is good natural remedy for stress.
Soothing drinks for stress
- Warm milk and honey with little amount of cinnamon It is the best drink to be taken at night that helps in relaxation.
- Honey Take one spoonful of honey in hot water to get immediate relief from stress. This is a very simple home remedy for stress.