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Vagina is an important genital organ of a woman; any sort of vaginal disorder can be quite disturbing and hamper your normal day-to-day routine. Not only this, it can also affect your sex life.
Talking about it is what most women refrain from, but that does no good. There is a need to understand different types of vaginal problems that a woman can have. While some of these are quiet common, others are relatively rare.
Common Vaginal Problems
Infections of vagina may be cased due to different types of microorganisms like bacteria, yeast and several parasites. Let’s discuss each one by one:
Bacterial vaginosis
Commonly occurring in women with more than one sexual partner, this bacterial is mild in nature, but if left untreated, can pose threat to health. There are a number of helpful bacteria already lying there, but a few bad ones can create problem. If you are a woman with multiple partners, or smoke a lot, you are more susceptible to infection. The problem poses risk at the time of pregnancy as it may result in abortion. Again, the infection can spread to other reproductive parts while delivering a child. The problem is identified with symptoms like bloat-feeling, foul-smelling discharge from vagina, pain in lower back and pelvic region.
Candida vulvovaginitis
Commonly caused by a fungus named Candida, this yeast infection is another common vaginal problem that many a women face at least once in their lifetime. The characteristic symptoms include itching, irritation, odorous white discharge. The skin around vagina may become red; you may also feel pain during sexual intercourse. The infection can be cued by taking antifungal creams or capsules, as prescribed by physician.
It is a sexually transmitted disease that is the result of parasitic infection. It affects, apart from vagina, other parts of reproductive system like bladder, cervix, urethra etc. The infection may remain asymptotic but there can be symptoms like change in color and odor of vaginal discharge, pain while urinating, and itching. These symptoms may not get revealed for as long as a month from the time you got infection.
Vaginal Bleeding
If you bleed out of your menstrual cycle, then it indicates that something is abnormal and needs attention. You may get heavy or moderate bleeding just a few days after your last period. The problem may also occur during pregnancy and indicates some serious issue like miscarriage.
Excessive placental bleeding is dangerous to both mother and the child. Other factors that may induce vaginal bleeding include birth control medications and use of intrauterine devices. Certain hormonal imbalance in your body may lead to bleeding during ovulation. Fibroids in uterus can also be the cause for this vaginal problem.
Characterized by painful menstrual cramps, heavy periods, and stretched menstrual cycles, Adenomysosis is caused by the abnormal growth of uterus cells.
The rupturing of urine wall at the time of child birth can also initiate the problem. Though drugs can cure it, sometimes, uterus removal is the only cure.
Vaginal Fistula
First understand the term-a fistula is described as a hole that pierces through the vagina wall. It is attributed to several causes such as forceful delivery, radiation therapy used in treating pelvic cancer. An ulcer in colon or rectum may also be responsible for the development of fistula. The women who suffer from this condition have fluid flow from vagina and the fluid may have bad odor. The problem is cured by surgery.
These are the abnormal skin projections that cover your genitals. They may be manifested as patches or may develop to form rough surfaces. Viruses like HPV (Human papillomavirus) are held responsible for these warts. HPV is transmitted through sexual contact and warts are avoidable by safe sex practices. The warts cause itching and burning sensation. You may bleed or feel pain.
Dry Vagina
If your vagina remains dry, there may be couple of reasons behind that. Dryness can be caused by lack of female hormone estrogen. Drugs, multiple sclerosis, nervous disorders can also be the causes. As you get older, the moistness of the vagina keeps on decreasing. Any sort of infection may also be attributed to the lack of adequate lubrication.
Vaginal Vault Prolapse
Sometimes, a part of vagina may loose its original shape and sag back into vaginal canal. It occurs when the muscles of uterus and vagina become weak. Women experience pain in back, incontinence, and heaviness of pelvis. The condition is corrected surgically and requires rest for about a month just after that.
The periods lasting for more than 7 days and that too with excessive bleeding define Menorrhagia. There may be many underlying causes. The inability of the endometrial lining to initiate the coagulation process may result in excessive bleeding. Uterus cancer and infection of endometrium can cause Mennorhagia in women. Hormonal imbalance of ovaries may also be the reason. Treatment is given according to the underlying cause.
Though rare, this condition can be very irritating. Women experience tight muscular spasms in the skin surrounding their vagina. As a result of this, they may experience inconvenience. They can’t have even sex at that time. You can massage the muscles with fingers. A number of medications are also available. A temporary solution is botox which can relieve you from the spasms for at least 6 months.
Stress Incontinence
This means that you can’t control your urine and it leaks under several circumstances like during sexual intercourse, pressure on bladder, coughing etc. Urine may also leak during some vigorous exercise. The factors that are responsible for this condition include constipation, pregnancy, and traumatic delivery.
Vulval Problems
Vulva is the skin that surrounds vagina; there may be some problems related to it like itching, burning, swelling, soreness, and pain. The discomfort may be repetitive. Most of these are caused due to the skin of vulva being exposed to conditions like friction, heat, moisture etc. A dermatologist can solve your problem. Some may also experience certain lumps or cysts on vulva.
Most of the vaginal problems are curable. Being a woman, you should seek medical advice as soon as you experience some problem; delay of any sort will only worsen the condition.