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Quite a few years back, greying of hair used to a natural phenomenon that has to be bear by each one of us but at a specific age ,as it marks the sign of aging. But these days, premature greying of hair has become a common turmoil that can be encountered usually by teenagers. A recent survey on this topic has been conducted and it has been revealed that the utmost reasons for premature greying of hair has been attributed to our sedentary life style, pollution, extreme stress level and many more.
The scientific reason behind premature greying of hair is accredited to the promptly depreciation of a cell called ‘Melanocyte’ which is generally accountable for the natural hair color in an individual. When the production of melanocyte completely halts, then all your hair will tend to turn grey in color with quite a few strands still retaining their natural color.
So, in order to overcome this issue, most of us take an aid of Hair colors or dyes more appropriately that undoubtedly helps us in polishing our grey hair significantly but along with an adverse effect of using strong chemicals on our hair. These chemicals can in the long way can affect our eye-sight, our skin and many more. So, what is required is the usage of some homemade natural products that don’t pose any adverse effect on our health and alongside assists us in combating with the prompting issue of premature greying of hair.Under mentioned are 5 such effective home remedies that goes a long way in combating premature greying of hair in a commendable manner.
Let’s Discuss Them One-by-one:
1. Amalgamation Of Almond Oil And Lemon Juice:
This is one of the incredible home remedies for premature greying of hair. Nevertheless, usage of almond oil on the hair goes a long way in offering strong resistance to the hair follicles and is enriched with Vitamin E and various antioxidants that are very valuable for our hair. Nourishing your hair with the almond oil therapy helps to recover from the severe issue of split-ends, rough and dry hair at large. In a similar context, application of Lemon Juice also plays a vital role in offering a volume to your hair besides expelling the dandruff from your hair.
Almond Oil: 4 tablespoons
Lemon Juice: 3 teaspoons
Method Of Preparation:
What you are required to do to prepare an amalgamated mix of both these ingredients and then apply it generously on your hair, focusing essentially on your scalp and roots of the hair. Then massage for your hair for about 5-10 minutes and after retaining it for half an hour rinse your hair with Luke –warm water.
2. Amalgamation Of Gooseberry, Coconut Oil And Fenugreek Seeds:
This is also an effective home remedy for combating with premature greying of hair. An essential and natural ingredient used in this home remedy is Gooseberry which is a prime source of Vitamin C and is usually categorized as an anti-aging artifact that aids in halting the premature greying of your hair along with strengthening it at large. In a similar way Fenugreek seeds are also an immense source of various vital nutrients like Vitamin C, alkaloids, iron and potassium that is quite effective for your hair and skin along with it usage of coconut oil aids in keeping the scalp moisturized.
Gooseberry Powder: 5-6 tablespoons
Fenugreek seeds powder: 2 teaspoons
Coconut Oil: About Half a Cup
Method Of Preparation:
What you are required to do to prepare an amalgamated mix of all these ingredients and then apply it generously on your hair. Initiate massaging with scalp and proceeds towards the tips of the hair. Then massage for your hair for about 5-10 minutes and after retaining it overnight on your hair. Rinse it off with pain water, the very next day.
3. Amalgamation Of Onion And Lime Juice:
What to speak of this amazing therapy that aids significantly in combating with premature greying of hair. Usage of onion use goes a long way in recovering from various deficiencies that contributes to the premature greying of hair, as it is a rich source of hydrogen peroxide and hydrogen besides this application of onion juice also aids in maintaining the natural look and shine of the hair. In a similar context, lime juice is a significant ingredient that aids to overcome the too much oil from your scalp and thus keeping the follicle clean and clear.
Onion Juice: 4 tablespoons
Lime Juice: 3 teaspoons
Method Of Preparation:
What you are required to do to prepare an amalgamated mix of both these ingredients and then apply it generously on your hair, focusing essentially on your scalp and roots of the hair. Retain it on your hair for half an hour rinse your hair off with sulfur- free cleanser.
4. Amalgamation Of Coconut Oil And Curry Leaves:
Usage of coconut oil on the scalp of hair helps in the deep-penetration and moisturization of the hair along with curry leaves that is one of the easily accessible ingredient from your pantry, rich in Vitamin B, and goes a long way in reinstating the natural pigments that maintains the natural color of your hair besides shielding it from any impending damages or hair breakage. This home remedy is quite effective in assigning the luster and bounciness to your hair, along with halting the premature greying of hair in a significant manner.
Coconut Oil: 5 tablespoons
Fresh Curry Leaves: About a Bowl
Method Of Preparation:
What you are required to do to amalgamate both these ingredients and then heat this mixture on a low flame for about 10-15 minutes until the curry leaves begin to disburse its color in the oil. Then filter the oil and let it cool. When it turns Luke-warm apply it generously on your hair, focusing essentially on your scalp and roots of the hair. Then massage for your hair for about 5-10 minutes and after retaining it for half an hour, you can potently rinse your hair.
5. Amalgamation Of Ridge Gourd And Olive Oil:
This one is also a superb home remedy for overcoming the issue of premature greying of hair. An amalgamation of Ridge Gourd and olive oil works as a natural stimulant for the hair growth that aids in its sound nourishment along with reinstating the natural pigmentation level of the scalp, thus rejuvenating it commendably.
Ridge Gourd: About Half-a-cup, washed, cut and dried
Olive oil: 5 tablespoons
Method Of Preparation:
For preparing this hair oil therapy, to combat premature greying of hair, just immerse the ridge gourd in the olive oil for about 5-6 days and then boil this amalgamation until the oil transforms into a black color. Then strain it off and let it cool. For optimum results, massage your hair with this oil at least twice a week.
This is all about the effective home remedies for combating with premature greying of hair at large!
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.