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Have you been feeling pain or burning sensation in the stomach especially after or during your meal? Spicy food has been worsening this issue for you? If these are the symptoms exhibited by your body then you might be suffering from peptic ulcers. Ulcers are like wounds that create gap in the mucosal membrane that covers the lining of tissues in our stomach.
This leads to exposure of blood vessels and flesh tissue in the stomach causing grave pain. Major causes of this kind of ulcer are excessive intake of spicy food, stressful lifestyle, smoking, alcohol and bacteria of a certain kind. A change in lifestyle along with certain herbs is enough to kick the ulcers right out of the stomach.
5 Herbal Remedies For Peptic Ulcers
Get That Licorice
Licorice root or extract reduces the acidity and balances it in the stomach bile. This reduces the potency of the stomach acids to cause damage to the lesion. However, persons suffering from high blood pressure should take it sparingly or mixed with other herbs that balance the blood pressure. Licorice candy is best avoided as there are high chances that it is either flavoured by anise instead of having real Licorice and chances of overdose are high with candy.
Cool Peppermint
First a word of caution on this fragrant herb. Peppermint should not be taken where the ulcers are caused by Gastroesophaegal Reflux disease as it can aggravate this condition. For other cases, it can work as a wonderful remedy.
Take a bunch of peppermint and crush it with some water. Consume two teaspoons of this juice to soothe and heal the stomach ulcer. Do this twice in a day for recovery. Avoid peppermint oil as it can cause extreme reaction in some cases.
Dandelion is a common herb and an ancient remedy for many gastrointestinal problems. Tea made out of boiling the leaves of dandelion is known to have positive effect on peptic ulcers. Also note that it can interfere with some ulcer related medicines that you might be taking, therefore check with your physician before taking this tea. You can also use its leaves in your salad if suffering from ulcers or general stomach upset.
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Natural Home Remedies For Peptic Ulcers
Herbal Remedies For Stomach Ulcers
Natural cure For Ulcers
Aloe Vera Miracle
Aloe Vera is a cooling Anti-bacterial herb. Take a sprig and extract the juice. Dilute it with one part water. Consume twice in a day preferably between the meals. It is specifically recommended where ulcer is caused by bacterial infestation in the stomach. Aloe Vera destroys and contains the bacterial growth.
Parsley is anti-inflammatory herb and therefore its consumption can reduce and repair the pain and ulcer itself. The flavonoid content in it makes it ideal for such purposes as healing the ulcers. You can either add it in large quantities to your food preparation, salads or extract its juices. Try not to cook it at all as it will lose the flavonoids and so the anti-inflammatory properties.
Ulcers can cause a lot of discomfort and keep coming back if adequate care is not taken. Keeping a check on your eating habits and modifying your lifestyle to include leisure activities and reduction in stress can help a long way to keep the ulcers away!
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.