7 Best Hiccups Treatment Options

Hiccup, which refers to a sudden contraction of diaphragm muscle, can occur any time and is usually a temporary condition, which lasts for a short period of time. However, in case the problem lasts for a long period of time, it may be a cause of great concern.


Hiccups can either be embarrassing or funny, and may distract the people around you. It is very important that you know about a few effective techniques to stop hiccups on the spot. There are several hiccups treatment options, which have been discussed hereunder.

Best Hiccups Treatment Options

The below given tips and tricks can be of immense assistance in treating hiccups. It is not necessary for all the below mentioned tips to work in your case. You need to give a try as to which one would work the best for you. Here follows a discussion on a few effective tips:

Massage The Earlobes

It may sound funny, but massaging your earlobes might help to a great extent in treating hiccups. Practice this treatment for a minute or two to attain relief from hiccups.

Massage The Earlobes

Holding The Breath

Holding the breath for some time works as a very effective technique with respect to treating hiccups. This is a very old trick which helps to deal with hiccup problem in a natural way. After holding the breath, you need to swallow if you feel that another hiccup is occurring. This practice of holding the breath should be carried out quite a few times, to treat the problem in an effective and successful way.

Holding The Breath


Doing gargles with mouthwash can also help in treating hiccups.


Granulated Sugar

Intake of sugar might help to treat hiccups in a natural way. It is believed that sugar helps in triggering the nerve impulses, consequently calming them down. This in turn helps in controlling hiccups. Further, a few people believe that holding the sugar in mouth for a couple of minutes, until it completely dissolves, also helps in treating hiccups.

Granulated Sugar


Drinking water at the time you face hiccups might help in treating the problem to some extent. You can also do gargles with water to treat hiccups.


Also Read

Some Of The Best Remedies For Hiccups
Causing Of Recurring Hiccups
Causes And Some Treatment For Hiccups

Crushed Ice

You may find relief from hiccups after swallowing some crushed ice. The cold feeling in the mouth might stop hiccups.

Crushed Ice

Paper Bag

Breathing inside the paper bag can also act as an effective hiccups treatment. This home remedy should be practiced for around a minute to stop hiccups.

Paper Bag

All the aforementioned tips are really considered to be quite effective in dealing with the problem of hiccups. Most of the treatments can be practiced anywhere. However, a few people have the problem of hiccups very frequently.

Also, the duration of the hiccups might be quite long in a few cases.In such cases, the above treatment options might not show effective results.Therefore, in exceptional cases, it is advised to seek medical help, so that the root cause can be identified, and the appropriate hiccups treatment can be advised, which may either include drugs or natural remedies.

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.