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Acne is a skin problem which is commonly observed in teenagers and in other people at least once in a lifetime. Teenagers often struggle with acne. It is really embarrassing and uncomfortable. There are many acne products claiming to fix your acne but they don’t. In fact to get rid of acne, you need to find out the cause.
Otherwise, you will be simply treating the symptoms and this problem never goes away. These entire chemical based skin products might affect our skin in the long run and increase the chances to get acne. Nature has given us some wonderful natural products that can cure any types of skin diseases. This article will offer you some effective natural remedies that can cure acne.
Natural Cures For Acne
Tea Tree Oil
It is an anti-fungal and anti-bacterial medicine which is widely used in several medical applications. It can effectively cure acne. Take equal amounts of tea tree oil and water and apply it over the infected area. Apply it daily in small quantities.
Aloe Vera
It has all the essential medicinal properties to cure any skin diseases such as acne, pimples, rashes etc. It not only heals acne but also treats the acne scars. It also prevents peeling and drying of pimples without making your skin oily or dry.
5 Essential Vitamins For Cystic Acne Prone Skin
6 Valuable Herbal Remedies For Acne Scars
5 Excellent Herbal Remedies For Acne Marks
Cucumber Juice
It works well as an anti-inflammatory, reducing red bulges and swelling on your face. Grate a cucumber and blend it well. Apply this juice over the acne affected areas and see the magic it does on your skin. Instead of washing your face at night, use this solution to rinse our face instead of water.
Peppermint Leaves
Peppermint is filled with menthol which can cure redness and skin irritations. Take a bunch of peppermint leaves and crush them to make a fine paste of it. Apply it directly to the acne affected areas. Let this mask dry for 15 minutes. Rinse it off with water and pat dry.
Papayas are rich in Vitamin A and antioxidants which can soothe your skin while reducing acne. Take a fresh papaya and mash it and make a pulpy juice. Gently apply it over your skin and let it dry. Wash off with cool water and see the results.
Five Excellent Home Remedies For Acne
Excellent Home Remedies For Acne Marks
Fenugreek Leaves
Fenugreek seeds and fenugreek leaves can be used to treat any types of skin issues. Crush up a bunch of fenugreek leaves and make a fine paste of it. Apply it to the acne prone areas and leave it overnight. Wash it off with cool water in the next day. It not only reduces swelling and red bulges but also reduces further spread of the bacteria.
Cinnamon And Honey
Honey has many antibiotic properties to cure acne. Take a spoon of cinnamon powder and add few drops of honey. Apply it over the acne prone areas and leave it overnight. Wash of with lukewarm water the next morning. This remedy can pull up dirt from your face and reduce acne. All these remedies can help reduce acne, inflammation, red bulges and swellings. Try using a single remedy at a time and see the best remedy that suits your skin. Practice healthy eating habits, drink lots of water and make sure you exercise daily. All these remedies will not only reduce acne and its scars but also clears up your skin within few weeks. Staying beautiful is so easy!
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.