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Tonsil stones known as tonsilloliths are calcifications, which appear as yellow or white stones of different particles like food, dead cells, bacteria and excess mucous. These are typically harmless, which may develop in either or both tonsils.
With the creation of stones, the body is restricting chances of any infection due to the decaying particles stuck in the tonsil crypts. With different types of treatments available, opting for an appropriate method depends largely on the symptoms and finding out which type of treatment suits the individual best.
Here are a few effective tips to get rid of tonsil stones. When there are not any bothersome symptoms present, treatment may not be necessary. However, periodic monitoring for change in size of the tonsil stone is the only recommended course of action in such instances.
How To Get Rid Of Tonsil Stones
Dietary Changes
Diet plays a major role in managing tonsil stones. Reduced intake of dairy products and calcium is required to treat this condition. An increased level of calcium in the body, results in these substances being deposited in the pockets of the tonsils. In due course of time, these become stones due to calcification.
Besides this, they help build up mucous, another major factor for tonsil stones. Along with reduced calcium intake, increased water consumption with limited intake of caffeine and sugar would be highly beneficial.
Brushing And Flossing
Regular Brushing and flossing keep the mouth free of bacteria. Taking dinner half an hour prior to bedtime, help the food particles reach the stomach. Brushing the teeth after each meal prevent formation of stones.
Cotton Swab
Some people prefer to dislodge the tonsil stone with the help of a cotton swab. There is a certain amount of risk involved as the process may involve damaging the nerves causing infection and bleeding. Hence, this method needs a lot of precaution.
Salt-Water Gargle
Gargling with warm salt water is the best method to alleviate discomfort associated with tonsil stones.
For an oral treatment of tonsil stones and instant relief antibiotics for three to four weeks are prescribed. Nevertheless, these antibiotics fail to treat the underlying cause of calculus formation in the throat and often give rise to discomforting side effects.
When oral medicines and other methods of treatment become ineffective, and if the tonsils have grown exceeding large, tonsillectomy or surgical procedure may be required with the complete removal of tonsils. This is a simple procedure carried out using a local anaesthesia.
Home Remedies
Certain natural methods and home remedies may facilitate healing and provide instant relief. Medical attention is necessary though, since tonsillitis should not be treated lightly.
Fenugreek Seeds
In acute cases of tonsillitis, a gargle made with fenugreek seeds proves very effective. Simmer two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in a litre of water for half an hour, and cool. For better effect, utilise the entire quantity as a mouth gargle on the same day.
Milk With Turmeric And Pepper
For the best results boiled milk mixed with a pinch of pepper powder and turmeric taken every night for three nights helps improve the condition.
Milk And Banafsha Flower
12 grams of Banafsha flowers, botanically known as viola odorata, boiled in 50 ml of milk taken hot after being filtered is effective to treat this condition. The filtered banish lightly fried in butter may be wrapped around the neck at night as a remedy.
Alum Powder
To reduce inflammation powdered alum applied over the tonsils or purified alum used as a gargle could be highly beneficial.
Chamomile Tea With Honey And Lime
Honey and lime added to chamomile tea provides immense relief from symptoms of acute tonsillitis. Though not dangerous, the condition can lead to uncomfortable symptoms and subsequently to secondary respiratory and tracheal infections.
Nevertheless, tonsil stones can be successfully prevented and treated with proper care and treatment. Before following any treatment methods, it would be wise though, to seek advice from a professional medical practitioner.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.