Cleaning Company Contract Sample

When it comes to hiring a cleaning company, having a contract in place is crucial to ensure both parties are on the same page and understand their obligations. A cleaning company contract outlines the terms of the agreement, including services provided, payment schedule, and any other pertinent details. In this article, we`ll explore what should be included in a cleaning company contract sample for both the client and the cleaning company.

Scope of Work

The scope of work outlines the services that the cleaning company will provide, including the frequency of cleaning, cleaning duties, and any additional services that may be required. This section should also include a detailed description of the areas of the property to be cleaned.


The payment section of the contract outlines the billing cycle, payment terms, and payment methods. It`s essential to include details such as the hourly rate, flat fee or per-room rate, or any other pricing structure. This section should also include how and when payments are to be made, as well as any late payment fees or penalties.

Liability and Insurance

A cleaning company contract should specify liability and insurance requirements. This section should outline what happens if there is damage to the client`s property, who is responsible for the costs of any repairs, and how any disputes will be resolved. It`s also essential to ensure that the cleaning company has the proper insurance coverage, such as general liability and worker`s compensation.


The termination clause outlines the circumstances under which the contract can be terminated. This section should specify how much notice needs to be given and the reasons why the contract can be terminated by either party.


The confidentiality clause outlines what information should be kept confidential by both parties. This section should also specify how long the confidentiality agreement will remain in effect.


When creating a cleaning company contract sample, it`s crucial to ensure it covers all of the necessary details and is legally binding. Including the scope of work, payment terms, liability and insurance, termination, and confidentiality clauses will help to ensure a successful partnership between the client and the cleaning company. By having a strong contract in place, both parties can approach the business relationship with confidence and trust.

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