5 Home Remedies For Periodontitis


Infection and inflammation of the gums is known as periodontitis. At first the infection is confined to the gums but later it spreads to the ligaments and the bones that support the teeth. When the support becomes weak the tooth becomes loose and eventually comes off. Plaque and tartar which are full of bacteria are continually forming at the base of the teeth and if allowed to remain there, they gradually corrode the soft tissue of the gums. Swelling occurs and a pocket is formed between the teeth and the gums. The plaque and tarter get trapped into it and the bacteria present in them gradually destroys the bone supporting the teeth. If a tooth abscess develops it increases the rate of bone destruction.The main symptoms are bleeding gums, bad breath, tender, swollen and painful gums, loose teeth and tooth abscess.

Top 5 Home Remedies For Periodontitis



Neem is the most natural remedy for periodontitis. This age old remedy has potent antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties which destroy all types of germs and microbes and effect a quick healing. It is a common practice to brush the teeth daily, with a neem twig. Its anti-inflammatory properties soon reduce the swelling and pain and start the healing process. Take a tender neem twig and flatten its end. Gently move the flattened end over the teeth and gums in a brushing motion. Do this twice daily.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

This succulent plant is full of medicinal values which heal and cure a number of diseases and ailments. Its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties make short work of the bacteria and destroy the infection at its roots. Take a fresh leaf of aloe vera. Cut away the edges and slit the leaf into two. Rub the gel side over the gums and teeth and massage for five minutes. Rinse your mouth with warm water. Repeat this, three times daily. Your gums will heal within no time.



Take equal quantities of turmeric powder, salt and dried neem leaves powder. Mix them together and store in a jar.Take this powder and gently massage your gums and teeth with it for several minutes, three times daily. Rinse your mouth with warm water. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric will not only snuff the infection but will also heal the gums and strengthen them. The bleeding will soon stop and the pain will go away.

Also Read

Causes & Home Remedies For Tooth Plaque & Bacteria
Natural Cure For Periodontal Disease
Natural Home Remedies For Periodontitis
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Alum kills the bacterial infection, prevents the formation of plaque and tartar and keeps the gums free from diseases. Take one teaspoon of alum powder and mix it with a quarter teaspoon of salt. Add to the mixture a few drops of mustard oil and massage your gums and teeth with this for five minutes. Rinse your mouth with warm water. Use this remedy after every meal to cure periodontitis.



Flossing after every meal is a good way of preventing all sorts of gum diseases and keeping your gums and teeth in a good healthy condition. Flossing not only removes the trapped food particles between the teeth and prevents the infestation of bacteria but it also effectively prevents the accumulation of plaque at the base of the teeth.


Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.