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Thrush is commonly a fungal or yeast infection that occurs in mouth, as a result from the change in balance of yeast and bacteria in body, normally a balance of which keeps the fungus in control. It is caused by a fungus commonly known as ‘candida’. Though thrush is only an infection of the mouth but it can get spread to various parts of a body.The most common example of thrush or yeast infection is diaper rashes in babies and women get vaginal infections. Individuals of any age can suffer from thrush infection but the occurrence is mostly evidence in toddlers, babies and older adults. Individuals with feeble immune system are also vulnerable to thrush infection. Thrush can easily get spread from mother to a breastfeeding infant.
Causes Of Thrush
Thrush is caused by a fungus present in mouth, digestive tract and skin. However this is not a problem with healthy people, but people who already have an impaired immune system are at more risk as the yeast gets multiplied faster and affects the body. Autoimmune diseases, pregnancy, uncontrolled diabetes and steroids, strong medications, and diseases like cancer are some other major causes of thrush.
Symptoms Of Thrush
Thrush can develop all of a sudden, in some cases it may get chronic. A common symptom of thrush is the occurrence of raised lesion that appears white in color and often passes discharge creamy in color. The lesion is extremely painful and sometimes may even bleed.If lesion occurs in the mouth, there is a higher chance of getting it spread over the interior of the entire mouth. It may even reach the esophagus if not treated initially. As the infection spreads slowly an individual may also experience slight rise in temperature.
Home Remedies For Thrush
Thrush infection is very painful though not deadly. Good news is that there are ample home remedies available for treating thrush at home. These remedies are capable of bringing immediate relief and sufficient to put an end to the thrush infection. Following the remedies with natural ingredients:
Eat sugar-free or unsweetened yogurt. Yogurts effectively treat thrush both in children and in adults.
Garlic also works wonder in the treatment of thrush naturally. Add garlic to your food while cooking or you may also add fresh raw garlic to your food. Garlic prevents the growth of thrush. You may also take garlic supplements.
Take 1 glass (8 oz) water and add half teaspoon of salt to it. Rinse your mouth with the salt solution frequently throughout the day. Salt water remedy is very helpful in preventing the growth of thrush in your mouth.
Baking Soda
In a pot of water add baking soda. Mix till it gets completely dissolved. Add 1 drop dish soap to it and mix the concoction well. Dip a fresh cloth into this solution and wipe your mouth with it. If your baby is infected with thrush you can apply the same procedure on your baby as well. Make sure to reach the roof of mouth and tongue as well. Repeat this remedy 4 to 6 times a day till the thrush infection clears up. This is an excellent natural home remedy for thrush.If you are breastfeeding your infant, you should take care of your nipples. After each feed, treat your nipples with the same solution of baking soda with a cotton mop. Make sure you do it or else your nipples may get yeast infection too.
Coconut Oil (Unrefined)
If your baby has got the thrush infection, you can apply coconut oil (unrefined) directly on your nipples. You may also apply the oil in the oral cavity of your baby. It will help to prevent the relapses. Pure and unrefined coconut oil is absolutely safe and do not causes any side effects to your baby. The presence of ‘caprylic acid’ in the coconut oil helps to fight against thrush invasions. This is a vet useful trusted and proven natural remedy for thrush.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is also very effective in preventing thrush. Combine a little amount of tea tree oil with coconut oil or olive oil. Now apply the blend generously onto the affected region. This remedy works well in adults, however it may cause problem in babies as the smell is unpleasant.You can also use Oregano oil which works equally well like tea tree oil.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar also helps a lot in getting rid of thrush. Apply apple cider vinegar onto the affected region. The yeast cannot grow in that region. This remedy also helps in preventing relapses.
Vinegar And Water
Treat your nipples with vinegar solution. Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar to one cup water. With the help of cotton swab rub your nipples with the solution to prevent thrush. Make fresh solution every day.
Diet For Thrush
Diet plays a major role in combating and preventing thrush. Certain foods can also trigger the infection of thrush. Avoid dairy products, dried fruits, products that contain mushrooms, yeast, pickled fruits and vegetables, monosodium glutamate, wine and bear, and smoked meat and fish which may trigger thrush.You may also follow restricted diet for one month. A restricted diet may help you in determining those foods that may trigger thrush in you. Then you can avoid those foods to prevent getting thrush. Avoid steroids, alcohol and food containing excessive sugar if you think you are vulnerable to thrush. These substances may also prevent growth of the virus ‘Candida Albicans.
Tips To Prevent Thrush
Stress can also worsen the condition and therefore you need to relax to eliminate thrush completely. Learn to cope with stressful situations and adopt several technique of stress reduction. If you have the infection in any other part of the body avoid it getting touch with any synthetic fibers.Wear clothes made of natural fibers to lessen the irritation. However you should seek medical assistance if you do not respond to the home remedies and the infection persists. Do not ignore a thrush infection that is persistent, or the condition may get worsened.Stick to the diet and follow the home remedies for thrush with consistency and you will certainly get cure of the infection.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.