Knowing the Warning Signs of an Asthma Attack

An asthma attack is a scary situation that can happen to anyone. It comes on strong and with no warning.  If it is not treated immediately, it can lead to other serious problems including coma or death.

An asthma attack is caused when the muscles in the airways spasm and tighten. The airways become very small and make it difficult to breath. When the asthma attack comes on, the airways will become inflamed and irritated as well. This will cause mucus to form and the airways to become even smaller.

During an asthma attack you will experience shortness of breath, severe cough and wheezing. Some other things you may experience during an asthma attack are pain and tightness in the chest and neck, rapid breathing or anxiety. A pale, sweaty face is also usually an indication of an asthma attack.  Many people will also begin to panic at the first sign of an asthma attack and this could cause the symptoms to increase.  Panic attacks also cause shortness of breath, so the combination of the two can have severe consequences.

A mild asthma attack is more common and in many cases does not need treatment. If you experience a mild asthma attack you should sit down, try to take a few deep breaths and do your best to calm down. Chances are the muscles in your airway will relax and the asthma attack will subside.

In more severe cases, treatment will be needed. For those that suffer from chronic asthma attacks, an inhaler is something that should be with you at all times. When you feel an asthma attack form, take the correct dosage of the inhaler and the symptoms for decrease. If the inhaler does not work, then you should seek medical attention immediately.

Asthma attacks can happen when you least expect it and may lead to some serious problems. If you feel an asthma attack approaching the most important thing you can do is try to relax. Your gut reaction will be to panic, but this will only cause the swelling to increase. If you are able to relax, the asthma attack should pass and you can go on symptom free.

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.