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Infant constipation actually means passing of hard, dry or pebble like stools. Missing one or two daily bowel movements doesn’t necessarily indicate that the baby is constipated.Moreover, an adult bowel movement greatly differs from an infant’s bowel movements, so both cannot be compared.Usually newborn babies excrete after each feeding, but the frequency of the bowel movement gradually decreases between 1 and 2 months of age. So, look for symptoms like hard stools that are painful and difficult to pass, and in severe cases bleeding from a crack in the anus due to pushing and forcing.
Constipation in babies can be treated naturally at home, but consult your pediatrician before to check if the condition is treatable at home. An infant may suffer from constipation due to a diet low in fiber, introduction of solid foods in his/her diet, and a diet composed of high dairy products like milk, yoghurt and cheeses.
Natural Cure to Infant Constipation
Prune Juice
Feed your toddler diluted prune juice. This is a very natural treatment for constipation in infants, and safe for babies older than 6 weeks. The measurement is 1 ounce prune juice and 1 ounce water; mix and feed the baby two times a day. The sugar in the prune juice encourages bowel movement in the baby. Do not stop breastfeeding the baby; the prune juice is not substitution to breast milk.
Pear Juice
Many individuals have reported that diluted pear juice have helped relieve constipation in their babies. Take 20 ml pear juice and dilute it with 130 ml water. This is believed to have similar benefits like prune juice.
Bath and Massage
This is a simple hand on technique that can be effective as well as pleasurable for your baby. Give your baby a warm bath with Himalayan or epsom salts. Then lay your baby on his/her back; dip your fingers in little almond or olive oil and give a very gentle massage in a clock-wise circle from his/her belly button.By doing this, you are naturally following the circuit of the large intestine and promoting the process of elimination. Look for your baby’s reaction to this kind of simulation. If the baby is responding favorably, then go with the massage to help him/her relieve constipation.
Grapes are considered excellent for baby constipation. The organic acids, sugar, and cellulose present in grapes acts as natural laxatives and encourages bowel movement.
Slight alteration in diet often treats constipation in infants naturally. Add more fiber to your baby’s diet by including strained foods such as prunes, peas, apricots, plums, and peaches. This diet is recommended for babies of 4 to 12 months of age.For infants above this age group, avoid excessive dairy product and baby foods such as applesauce, bananas, breads, rice cereals, and white potatoes as they may lead to constipation. Preferable foods for constipation are oatmeal cereals, peaches, prunes and vegetables.
Natural Tips to Prevent Constipation
Breastfeed babies rarely get constipation; it is more common to formula feds. Talk to your doctor about changing infant formulas to treat or prevent constipation.Make your baby drink plenty of water especially if you notice less urination. Never add any form of sugar or malt to infant formula. You may add a little mineral oil to the formula bottle, but consult your pediatrician before that.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.