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Lupus, a chronic medical condition that involves inflammation in different body parts when the immune system begins to attack our own organs and tissues. Lupus can affect various systems in our body including the skin, blood cells, brain, lungs, heart, kidney and joints.It is often considered difficult to diagnose as its symptom often tend to mimic those of some other ailments. Some people are born with the tendency to develop lupus, whereas others are triggered by different infections, drugs, or sunlight.This autoimmune disease can be treated through various effective herbs such as flaxseed, Astragalus, Yucca and Holy Basil. These herbs work wonders in reducing the symptoms of lupus and often protects the body from developing lupus as well.
Most Effective Herbal Remedies For Lupus
Flaxseed, also known as linseed is one of the most effective herbal remedies for treating various signs of lupus. This herb is popular for the laxative properties that it has but it is also known to work significantly on curing different symptoms of lupus.The oil present in the flax seeds is an important source of fatty acid. The omega-3 fatty acid helps in reducing the swelling caused by lupus in the joints. This herb may interfere in the smooth functioning of other medications, so make sure you consult your doctor before taking flaxseeds for curing lupus symptoms.
Astragalus is also an important herb that helps in building the immune system. In some of the extreme cases where the immune system goes out of control, this herb is used in suppressing the overactive cells in the body that fights to destroy the healthy tissues of the body.This herb is considered to be very safe when used in accordance to the directions suggested by an expert herbalist. But if you are consuming immunosuppressants, then it is suggested that you take the consent from your doctor before consuming this herb.
Tripterygium Wilforgii Hook F
Tripterygium Wilforgii Hook F is an effective herbal remedy that is known for curing various ailments including arthritis and lupus. This herb works as an immunosuppressant and helps relieve the inflammation caused by lupus, the autoimmune disease.It produces a substance that enables it to act as COX-2 inhibitor. It works three-fold in treating lupus. It first relieves the symptoms of this disease, lessens the need for medicines and normalizes the blood pathologies.
Holy Basil
Holy basil is yet another effective herb that works great on treating lupus. This herb is popularly known as tulsi and is being used in various ayurvedic medicines since ages. This herb contains anti inflammatory properties that helps in reducing stress, which is known to intensify the symptoms in lupus.
Yucca is an herb that is considered to be a rich source of steroidal polyphenolics and saponins that helps in reducing the joint pain often associated with the inflammation caused by lupus. You can consume this herb in the form of tea or capsule. The roots of this herb are the hub of most of its medicinal substances.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.