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Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the lower portion of the body, generally near the anus or the rectum. They are extremely painful, especially during any type of activity which puts strain towards the lower parts of the body. Also known as piles, this is a rather embarrassing condition for the people having it. Most probable causes for hemorrhoids are – pregnancy, constipation which causes severe strain on the bowels etc.
Certain symptoms that you might be having hemorrhoids ( or piles as they are commonly called are-Rectal bleeds during bowel movements, itching in the anal region, urge to pass stool immediately after having bowel movements resulting in much discomfort, pain and rashes on skin etc. Scared? Don’t be. About 50% of Americans have a severe case of these buggers, and they are doing just fine. The cure to this is not only limited to fancy medicines or surgical procedures, they can be found in our houses and backyards. Let’s take a sneak peak.
Natural Hemorrhoid Cures
Cayenne Pepper
In 5 glasses of warm water add a tablespoon of famously “hot” cayenne pepper and dissolve it thoroughly. Drink it a glass, every day till the piles disappear. Hey, it works!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Soak up a cotton ball or some toilet paper with Apple Cider Vinegar, and apply it on the affected area. Regular usage will give significant results.
Coconut Oil
Apply coconut oil to the hemorrhoid area regularly, wash it off after some time and go on repeating. Other than reducing the swellings, it will also help in lessening the itch and the pain.
Aloe Vera
Using aloe Vera gel in the affected area, has shown good results. So, cut up slices of the Aloe Vera plant, remove the thorns and place it in the refrigerator. Use the super cool gel to get relief from the pain and the itch.
Tea Bag
Using a warm tea bag in the affected area can help to soothe the pain. You can also do this while sitting on the toilet. This might provide additional relief.The warmth is the tea bag is comforting in itself. Whereas the tannin from the tea bag, acts as an astringent and helps to reduce the painful swellings.
Also Read
Natural Home Remedies For Hemorrhoids
How To Treat Hemorrhoids
Top 6 Herbal Remedies For Hemorrhoids
4 Vitamins That May Cause Hemorrhoids
Alternating Sitz Bath
It is a very famous hydrotherapy method for curing hemorrhoids. First, fill a bathtub with approximately 6 inches of warm water. Squat in the bath tub, so that the affected area is in contact with the warm water. Sit there for 5 minutes. Refill the tub with cold water. Sit there, in the same manner as that of previous, for 2 minutes. Repeat the procedure for 5 times.
Witch Hazel
Generally regarded as one of the most famous homemade treatment for reducing piles. Buy a bottle of witch hazel, preferably in the liquid astringent form.Using baby wipes, or any other soft tissues, completely soak every tissue in the astringent. Wipe the affected area, with care.
High Fiber Diet
Other than this, a high fiber content in the diet is extremely important. Thus, you must take the foods that are rich in fiber. Almost all the fruits and vegetables contain fiber in large amounts.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.