Top Five Herbal Remedies For Chronic Mucus

Chronic Mucus

Mucus in throat at times can be seasonal or due to some allergies, acid reflux, sinusitis, or other inflammatory infection, however, if you are coughing since long it can be chronic. Those who suffer from chronic mucus or phelgm know the pain of continuous irritation in throat and other disturbances occurring in daily routine. If you are coughing since long, you should take it seriously and do a proper treatment.

There are some excellent herbal remedies which can treat your chronic cough and give you relief from mucus. These remedies are easy and can give excellent results in just a few days if done properly. However, in case you are suffering severely and don’t feel any improvement should seek proper medical assistance as that can be due to some other health reasons.

Herbal Remedies For Chronic Mucus

Licorice Roots

Licorice Roots

Licorice roots are considered as one of the best home remedies to treat chronic cough. It acts as a demulcent which gives relief to irritated and inflamed throat. Licorice contains hundreds of healing substances, to name a few are: flavonoids, various plant estrogens, glycyrrhizin, etc. These substances help reduce excessive mucus and give relief from coughing. Boil crushed licorice roots in water till the quantity of water reduces to half. You can also add some honey and a pinch of black salt for better taste. Take several sips of this juice throughout the day. You can also soak licorice in water overnight and then drink that water at regular intervals throughout the day to get rid from chronic phlegm.



Garlic is an excellent gift of nature as it contains antibacterial and antibiotic properties. Garlic, being an expectorant, flushes out bacteria causing mucus out of your body. You can swallow 4-6 garlic cloves with water empty stomach in morning to get best results.

Most of the people don’t like the taste of raw garlic and if you are also one of them, don’t worry, just increase intake of garlic in your daily food. You can also mix garlic thick paste with curd for a better taste.



Ginger is used as an excellent remedy for treating throat inflammation since ancient times. It can be used in several ways for treating mucus. It contains several anti-inflammatory healing substances for treating chronic cough. Drink ginger tea at regular intervals during the day for getting relief from irritating throat. You can add honey and pepper for better results as both of these help in treatment of mucus. Ginger is a very good expectorant and therefore helps to flush excessive mucus out of body.



Fenugreek is also a superb herbal remedy for treatment of chronic cough. Its expectorant and demulcent properties help reduce mucus secretions.  Take a spoon of fenugreek with warm water in morning empty stomach for getting rid of mucus.

Fenugreek is considered as one of the most effective anti-inflammatory substances which help to cure mucus in throat. For better results make raw powder of fenugreek and then take a teaspoon of it with warm water.



Last but not the least of top five cures, lemon is also very effective in treating mucus. Take a teaspoon of lemon juice, add a pinch of black salt and black pepper to it and take it 3-4 times a day. Lemon dries up thick mucus and gives relief from irritation in throat. You can also drink lemon tea added with black pepper and ginger.


Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.