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There are many nutrients that can help you grow hair and prevent hair loss. Just like a disease, hair loss can also be caused due to vitamin deficiency in your diet. However, there are also several other causes of hair loss like infections, aging or drug addiction. Some of the vitamins are directly related to the health of your hair while the others contribute indirectly.The vitamins that reduce stress, enhance blood circulation and regulate hormones are also responsible for preventing hair loss.Here, you will get to know about few vitamins that are going to help you protect your hair from falling.
Best Vitamins For Treat Hair Loss
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is not only responsible for the growth of your hair, but it also helps in regenerating skin cells. It helps in the production of retinoic acid which is present in the hair follicle. There are innumerable skin care products in the stores containing vitamin A. But, if you survey the market carefully, you will come across equal number of hair care products with this vitamin as their primary ingredient. You can take food items which are rich in vitamin A or you can apply hair creams with vitamin A on your scalp directly.
Vitamin B
Excessive stress can also be the reason of your hair loss. The B vitamins are known for their effective stress handling effects and hence they can also help you prevent hair loss. Inositol is a form of vitamin B that helps in accelerating the process of hair growth. Vitamin B12 is a component that is used to build the hair shaft and hence it also helps in preventing hair loss. However, it is available only in non-vegetarian food items like eggs and meat. For this reason, there are many vegetarians who suffer from hair loss due to vitamin B12 deficiency. The B vitamins supplements are available in the market in compounds comprising of all the forms of B vitamins together.
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Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps in absorption of iron which is an essential item when it comes to hair growth. Vitamin C is not naturally produced inside the human body. Hence, if you need the benefits of vitamin C, you should consume more fruits and vegetables. Make sure you do not overdose your body with vitamin C as it may invite several other complications. A daily dosage of 1500 to 2000 mg of vitamin C is enough to prevent your hair from falling.
Vitamin D
Previously, vitamin D was used to treat skin problems only like psoriasis. Now, it is used to boost the cells forming the shaft of the hair and the hair follicles. The daily recommended dosage of vitamin D was 400 IU, but after the vitamin D deficiency outbreak all over the globe, it has been increased to 1000 IU per day.
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Vitamin E
Vitamin E helps in enhancing blood flow to every region of your body by building capillaries.Hence, increasing blood flow to the scalps it boosts the hair follicles to grow hair at a faster rate. 400 IU of vitamin E per day is enough to prevent hair loss.
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