3 Types of Autism

3 Types of Autism

There are three different types of autism. They are pervasive developmental disorders and called Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome and Rett Syndrome. Each one has its own symptoms and characteristics.

Asperger’s is a very common type of autism. It affects the behavioral skills and social skills. However, the syndrome allows the person to lead a highly functioning life. Some characteristics of the syndrome is a distinctive speaking voice, routine, repetitive motions and lack of social skills. A person with asperger’s will generally speak in a formal way and will sound very monotone. They may frequently use figures of speech in a literal way and will have minimal facial expressions and gestures. Also, people with asperger’s are usually very knowledgeable and have fairly high IQ’s. They pick up knowledge wherever they go and focus on facts and statistics. Most people with asperger’s have a daily routine and when it is disrupted can become very frustrated. Rocking and swaying is a common characteristic among asperger’s patients and many believe it is a comfort thing. Social skills are sometimes found lacking among asperger’s patients, and they generally prefer one-on-one interaction.


Rett syndrome is another type of autism. It is diagnosed in girls almost exclusively and effects the neural development. At first, the child will develop normally, but after about six months there will be a change in development and the symptoms will start to form. Some of these symptoms include increased purposeless hand movement and decreased hand use. Decreased head and brain growth, problems with walking and lack of intellect are also symptoms. In some cases, the child will also experience seizures.

Rett syndrome

The last type of autism is Childhood Disintegrative Disorder. This type of autism is a late-onset disorder and symptoms are not normally noticed until between the ages of two and four. It is a fairly mild type of autism and has mostly behavioral symptoms. Lack of social skills, communication problems and in some cases, decreased motor skills are the symptoms of this type of autism. Simple therapies can help reduce the symptoms and sometimes, get rid of them altogether.

Although there are three types of autism, they all have similar characteristics. Each lacks developmental skills and has some form of social and communication problems. Identifying the problems and diagnosing the disorder is the first step for living a normal lifestyle.

Childhood Disintegrative Disorder

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