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Hemorrhoids are a digestive issue that is characterized by intense strain while passing stools. This strain during the bowel movements would cause bleeding which will become an everyday affair for you.
Though some vitamins are helpful to deal this condition but the astonishing fact is that there are some vitamins that may cause hemorrhoids. Your doctor will help you understand the various causes of this bleeding condition.
One common factor among the causes of rectal bleeding is vitamins and supplements. Read on this article to find out a few vitamins which might cause this serious condition.
Major Vitamins That Causing Hemorrhoids
Vitamin E
Vitamin E contains blood thinning properties that make it a heart friendly vitamin. When you have a heart problem then you would be prescribed medicines such as Coumadin which when combined along with vitamin E causes a bout of bleeding while having a bowel movement. This is a condition which remains hidden even from a few physicians that this vitamin can trigger hemorrhoids in you.
Vitamin C
If you are constantly suffering from cold and flu symptoms, then you will be prescribed vitamin C. But if this vitamin is consumed in huge quantities then it will lead to bleeding from the rectum or hemorrhage. Cutting this vitamin immediately from your supplement regime would safeguard you and offer quick relief from this condition as it is one among the vitamins that may cause hemorrhoids. This way you can stay safe from this rectal condition. Another major thing to remember is to stay away from orange juice and lemon juice as they contain vitamin C and can flare up your hemorrhoids and make it worse. This is because the ascorbic acid found in this vitamin makes it to get irritated!
Multivitamins With High Iron Content
If you are pregnant then you will be advised to take multivitamins with elated levels of iron which is good for you and the baby but sometimes it would lead to toxicity of multivitamins. This would lead to destruction of the stomach which in turn would cause constipation.
Sometimes, there is blockage of intestines which would cause you to push while passing stools. Constipation causes only one complication which is called hemorrhoids which will lead to inflammation in anus, reddish appearance and itching sensation. This makes it one among the major vitamins that may cause hemorrhoids.
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Prenatal Vitamins
Constipation is usually a common problem among pregnant mothers as it leads to strained bowel movement that occurs less frequently. The bowel movements is usually lethargic in pregnant mothers as the prenatal vitamins they consume every day would cause constipation. Sometimes, the urge to pass stools would be so high which will cause them to strain which would immediately lead to bleeding hemorrhoids. Once the mother delivers a new born and switches to other vitamin supplements, this problem of rectum bleeding is averted with immediate effect. If you are pregnant always ask the doctor’s opinion on rectum bleeding and constipation while taking prenatal vitamins as he will prescribe you a diet plan which will ease your bowel movements.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.