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Impotence is commonly known as erectile dysfunction and refers to a condition where a man is unable to maintain an erection in his penis which is necessary for a satisfactory sexual intercourse. Erectile dysfunction or impotence has been attributed to various causes such as mental stress, chronic alcoholism, diabetes, kidney failure, multiple sclerosis and accidental injuries in the sensitive parts. The erectile dysfunction may be of several types. While some patients may be able to attain an erection but are unable to maintain it, there are those that have semi-flaccid erection which are not rigid. There are also others who are unable to have an erection at all. It can occur at some time or the other in the life of most men. Brief periods of such erectile dysfunction is nothing to worry about; but if this continues for a few weeks or months, then it is time you consult a doctor and get it treated. The lines of treatment adopted for the patient suffering from impotence may be many and varied. Here are some herbal remedies for impotence:
Herbal Remedies For Impotence
Withania Somnifera
Among natural remedies, the use of decoctions of Withania romnifera has been recommended. It decoctions are used and have been proven to have immediate ameliorative effect. The herb Withania somnifera has been attributed with properties that promote longevity, improve endurance and reduce fatigue.
Besides normalizing reproductive hormones it also increases the sperm count. Regular drinking of the concoction over a period of time ensures the patient relief from the symptoms of impotence.
Turnera Aphrodisiaca
Turnera aphrodisiaca is another natural cure. It has often been used in its leaf extract form. It is used for the stimulation of blood circulation in the penis while heightening its sensitivity. It also helps in relieving the individual of all anxiety. It is known to enhance sexual performance and pleasure besides strengthening the hormonal and testosterone levels.
Siberian Ginseng
Gingko balboa or Siberian ginseng is very helpful in improving the erectile function of the patient by stimulating blood circulation. It lifts up the spirits and is also an antidepressant.
Mental stress is an important cause for impotence and therefore it is important for the man to be stress free to cure impotence. This herb therefore promotes both the physical and mental health and also improves libido.
Schisandra Chinensis
Schisandra Chinensis forms the basis of a sexual toxic and has been utilized by men suffering from impotence since ages. It has been known to enhance overall stamina and longevity. It heightens the sexual ability and helps reduce stress levels helping to overcome any anxiety that he may he suffering from.
Tribulus Terrestris
To cure impotence, tribulus terrestris is a herb which has been used since ages. You should take the extract of this herb along with grape juice and extract of macca which is another vegetable to cure this disease. This herb is currently used in many other alternative medicines taken for similar diseases or to cure sex related problems.
Tribulus is known to treat impotence which is caused due to imbalance in hormone levels or low testosterone. It is also known to be helpful in increasing sexual performance if taken regularly. However, this herb will not show effect immediately and will show benefits only after 2-3 months of consumption.