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Got heat rash this summer? Don’t worry, you need not to visit a dermatologist as you can treat it naturally with some excellent home remedies.Below are eight superb home remedies to treat heat rash (also known as sweet rash or prickly rash); these remedies do wonders if followed properly:
Effective Home Remedies For Heat Rash
Aloe Vera Gel
Apply aloe vera gel on the affected area three to four times a day till heat rash is completely cured. You can also cut aloe vera and directly apply its gel over the affected area. Aloe vera is well known for its cooling and healing properties and therefore it gives instant relief from itching and protects skin from sun burn.
Neem Paste
Make a paste of neem leaves with water or gulab jal and apply all over the affected heat rash area. You can also dry neem leaves and grind it to make neem powder.Mix this neem powder with water or gulab jal or milk and make a smooth paste. Apply this paste over the affected area to get relief from heat rash. Neem contains antibacterial and healing properties, therefore works amazingly on prickly rash.
Gramflour, Cornstarch, or Flour Paste
You can also apply gramflour (besan), cornstarch, or flour paste over the affected area to get relief from itching and treat heat rashes. To make this paste, mix 2 to 3 tablespoon of any of these powders with milk or gulab jal or water.
Ice Treatment
To treat burning sensation and itching caused due to sweet rash, immediately apply some ice or ice pack all over the affected area and rub gently. This is easy and very effective method, you need not to do any preparations and can apply ice immediately over the affected area.
Gooseberry Juice
You can also drink gooseberry juice to get rid of heat rashes. To make this juice, cut 7-8 gooseberries in small sizes and put it in a glass of water.Cover the glass and leave it over night. In morning, mash up the gooseberries in water and then filter the water. Drink this juice empty stomach for 1-2 weeks. This juice flushes out all the heat of body and thus gives relief from heat rashes.
Cucumber Paste
Cucumber naturally gives cooling effect and water to body. You can make a paste of it with honey and apply all over the affected area to treat heat rashes. You should also eat cucumber to minimize the effect of heat rashes.
Sandalwood Paste
Sandal is an excellent home remedy to treat prickly rashes. Take sandalwood powder and mix well with gulab jal. Apply over the affected area to treat heat rashes.This paste gives immediate cooling effect to skin and therefore relief from burning sensation. Regular use of this paste heals heat rashes very fast and helps skin to get back its natural texture in a few days.
Watermelon Pulp
You can also use watermelon pulp to treat sweet rashes. Take a bowl of watermelon pulp and apply over the affected area. Leave it for 15-20 minutes and wash with cold water. Repeat this for 3-4 times in a day till you get relief from burning sensation and itching.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.