8 Reasons For Stomach Gurgling

Reasons For Stomach Gurgling


Stomach gurgling can occur any time and lead to embarrassment. Though noises from the abdomen are time and again associated with digestion and hunger, it can be an indication of some serious issue that is ignored at times. So, knowing when and how often your stomach gurgles is important to narrow down on the probable cause and get the right treatment. Here we have compiled a few reasons why your stomach gurgles to help you find out when it is necessary to call the doctor.

Reasons For Stomach Gurgling

1. Hunger

When the stomach sends hunger signals to the brain, the brain sends signals that fuel the release of gastric juices and cause the movement of stomach walls. This movement of stomach walls cause gurgling sound and remind you it is time to eat something. If you consume liquid immediately, it would gurgle louder.


2. Distressed Stomach

When you eat certain foods such as beans, too much sugar foods, etc, your stomach might get distressed and gurgle when it breaks down the food, especially when there is lack of enzymes necessary to break down the sugars in them, gurgling will be louder. Furthermore, when good bacteria in the gut act on the food particles and produce methane, carbon dioxide, etc, the gas rumbles around before escaping.

Distressed Stomach

3. Eating Fast

When you happen to eat food too quick, gulp down when you are short of time, you may not chew the food completely. As a result, you tend to swallow large pieces that are not mixed with the saliva completely. This adds more pressure to the stomach when it comes to break down the food substances resulting in gurgling.

Eating Fast

4. Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic condition that affects the large intestine. It causes diarrhea, cramping, intestinal gas, bloating, pain, etc. Stomach grumbling is a common symptom related to the condition. Gurgling usually starts when the person with the condition takes dairy products. Making dietetic changes can help alleviate symptoms.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

5. Stress And Lifestyle

Stress has direct effect on the gut when you are stressed, anxious or nervous, you can experience discomfort or weird feeling in the stomach. “Butterflies in the stomach” is a fight or flight response that is harmless and can cause gurgling and at times can result in nausea too. Sedentary lifestyle results in sluggish digestion, slow intestinal motility, stomach gurgling and constipation.


Stress And Lifestyle

6. Over Activity In The Gut

Increase in bowel activity could be for various reasons, which can lead to stomach gurgling sound. Intestine inflammation or gastroenteritis could be the reasons for this. Also, food poisoning could cause diarrhea, bloating and nausea, which could lead to stomach gurgles. When you take medication or when you consume alcohol, your gut could get upset causing churning and rumbling noise.

Over Activity In The Gut

7. Blockage In The Gut

Intestinal obstruction could be caused due to various reasons including inflammatory bowel disease, hernias, diverticulitis, twisting of colon, intestinal adhesions etc. The blockage could be either big or small and these blockages could obstruct food passing through the gut causing gurgling noise. The bigger the blockage the louder is the noise.

 Blockage In The Gut

8. Fast Food And Carbonated Drinks

The junk food contains a lot of harmful substances and preservatives that can cause health problems. Hence, unhealthy food like fast food and bubbly beverages such as carbonated water, soda etc. should be avoided. As a combination of these two could lead to significant Gastrointestinal distress and health problems. The carbonation not only produces excess gas, but is also acidic, which could generate a lot of distress, belching, rumbling and gas. The high fat content in fast food can cause stomach pain, heartburn, indigestion and also contributes to obesity.

Fast Food And Carbonated Drinks

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.