Acid Reflux in Women

Acid reflux was once considered a “males disease” however, it has now been proven to affect both genders equally. Acid reflux in women is the exact same as acid reflux in men. The only difference is women tend to experience the symptoms during different stages of their life.

Acid reflux symptoms in women are the same as if a man had the symptoms. Burning sensation in the chest and stomach area ,as well as a bitter taste and nausea. For women, acid reflux can sometimes attack even when you have been following a strict diet and staying away from things that trigger the symptoms. Acid reflux for women is sometimes brought on from stress. If you are dealing with a lot of stress in your life, you could have an acid reflux attack. Drinking a calming chamomile tea would help reduce the symptoms as well as the stress.

Acid reflux for women is very common when they are pregnant. Since acid reflux is brought on by stomach contents flowing into the esophagus, when the stomach area becomes reduced due to the fetus growing, the acid will need a place to go.  Women will also tend to experience acid reflux more towards the end of their pregnancy when the fetus has grown to a larger size.  Doctors will sometimes tell you to take an antacid or try sleeping with your back propped up to relieve some of the pressure.

Another time where acid reflux for women is very common is during menopause.  Not only does going through menopause cause stress, but it gives you a hormonal imbalance. Since this occurs, when a woman is going through menopause she may decide to take hormone supplements. It has been proven that when taking the supplements there is a higher risk for acid reflux. Women who are taking the hormones and experience frequent heartburn should speak with their doctor about possible treatment.

So even though you may think that just men are susceptible to acid reflux, that is definitely not the case. Women experience acid reflux just as much as men and sometimes even more. So knowing the symptoms, treatments and how to deal with it is important knowledge for both genders.

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.