Contrary to popular belief, acne is not the sole property of teenagers, or people who have bad diets, nor is it solely restricted to those of us who smoke. Instead, it is typically caused by hormonal imbalance. There is a tendency among those of us who are fortunate enough not to be afflicted with the condition, and therefore unconcerned with treatment of acne , to cruelly and callously dismiss it as no big deal, a trivial issue that can be jested about.
This denies the considerable amount of embarrassment and emotional upset that the acne sufferer will have to endure and so the treatment of treatment of acne should be considered compassionately.
If you are an acne sufferer, and are looking for some home remedies for the treatment of acne then hopefully the following will help you manage to bring the severity of your symptoms under control and ensure that you are able to regain both your confidence and your life back.
- By grinding nutmeg down into a fine paste, adding it to some ordinary, unboiled milk and then applying it to the pimples and the affected skin has been reported as being an effective means of treatment of acne . Some users have even reported that they were fortunate enough to have their acne disappear without a trace or other ill effect noticed!
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- To both soothe your damaged skin as well as nourish it, it is also recommended that you make use of fresh lime juice added to rosewater. As with the milk and nutmeg combination, the lime and rosewater is to be applied to the affected area, and so it can be used as a facial wash. However, when the combination has been applied to the face it is essential that it is removed from there after a period of time has expired, specifically, 30 minutes. Just make sure to remove all of the mixture from the face with some lukewarm water, and dry the face thoroughly with a clean towel. The clean towel is especially important, as the last thing you want to do is rub more bacteria and dirt into your pores!
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.