5 Amazing Herbal Remedies For Pimples

5 Amazing Herbal Remedies For Pimples

There are only a few who have not acquired pimples in their lifetime. Pimples are a signal that you are stepping into adolescence. If you have an oily skin you are more prone to pimples. Pimples are inflammations of the oil glands on your skin. These glands get infected with bacteria, become inflamed and filled with pus. This prevents the sebum from the glands to escape and that gives rise to pimples. There may also be some associated itching. So if you have grown a few of these pimples you are worried.

It is like casting a shed on your appearance, especially the face. However, you can put a brake on an outbreak of pimples if you drink lots of water and wash your face at least twice every day, but do not apply a moisturizer. However, to remove the pimples that have already sprung up you can take the help of herbs. There are a lot of herbal remedies for pimples. Let us discuss a few of those.

5 Herbal Remedies For Pimples

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is highly antibacterial in nature. It has been used since a long time to treat various infections of skin, eyes etc. Moreover, it is anti-inflammatory in nature. So it can be quite useful in treating your pimples.

It will kill the bacteria responsible for inflammation and douse the inflammation. This will help in opening up of the pores and the pimples will slowly die down. So apply some tea tree oil over the pimples with a cotton swab regularly.



It has been seen that sometimes pimples are caused by stress. Such type of pimples can be effectively tackled with lavender. The oil extracted from the purple lavender flower has many medicine qualities.

It is soothing for damaged skin and calming for the nervous system. It is this action of lavender oil on the skin that helps to minimize stress and therefore reduce the intensity of pimples.

Aloe Vera

Perhaps the most celebrated herb for skin problems is aloe vea. This household herb has been used since the time of Cleopatra for treatment of minor burns, cuts and other skin blemishes. Aloe vera gel has a healing and soothing nature.

Aloe Vera

Moreover, it is slightly antibiotic and anti-inflammatory in nature. The combination of all these properties is apt in fighting the threat of pimples. So apply some fresh aloe vera gel on the pimples every day.

Jojoba Oil

This herb is used in many cosmetic applications. It has the peculiar ability to decrease the secretion of sebum. When the amount of sebum is reduced the deposit in the mouth of sebaceous glands is reduced and this leads to reduction in the size of pimples as well as less inflammation and less bacterial activity.

With regular application the pimples will be down and out. Natural jojoba oil is available over the counter in pharmacy stores.

Jojoba Oil

Burdock Root

Nature has vested herbs with a variety of properties. The root of burdock herb has the ability to remove toxins from the body. Infections and consequent inflammations give rise to toxins and that in turn encourage more infectious manifestation like pimples.

Removal of toxins can work wonders in removing pimples. So burdock root can be quite useful for you. You can take burdock root tea every day along with other remedies.

Burdock Root

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.