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Tinea versicolor is a fungal infection of the skin commonly arising from yeast that is present in the body. The yeast is present in normal conditions as well but sometimes it may get infected and cause the infection. The infection could happen due to some irregularities in hormonal levels for example during pregnancy or menopause or it could be because of excessive humidity and sweating.
It has an appearance like a typical skin rash except that it gives the skin a discolouring kind of appearance. Fair skin individuals will notice that the skin of the affected area will get darker in shade and vice versa in people with a darker complexion. It is usually seen on the skin of neck, chest and shoulders.
Sometimes it may also erupt on the skin of underarms where there is excessive sweat accumulation. It gives out a very peculiar pin pricking kind of itching sensation which occurs when the body is heated up and automatically comes down when the body cools down by sweating. Here are some home remedies by which you can treat tinea verisocolor:
Home Remedies For Tinea Versicolor
Tea Tree Oil
It is very effective in treating skin conditions which includes fungal infections as well. You can test it first if it works for you by trying it on a patch of affected skin and leaving it on for a few hours. If your symptoms seem to be getting down in that patch, then you can go ahead with the treatment. Tea tree oil can be harsh on the skin sometimes so you can dilute it first and then apply it to the skin. Continue this application for about 2 weeks.
Apple Cider Vinegar
It is another known remedy to treat fungal infections of the skin. You cannot apply apple cider to your skin directly because it is highly acidic and it might cause excessive skin dryness. You can dilute it in a cup of warm water and then apply it on the affected regions of the skin. You can also use this remedy once a month even after the infection has come down because tinea versicolor has a tendency to recur.
Vitamin C
It is known as the immunity vitamin and it goes down each time you have an infection. It is important to consume a lot of vitamin C while you are having an infection so that your immune system is effective enough to fight off the infection. You should increase consumption of citrus fruits and have a lot of fruit juices to fight tinea versicolor.
Aloe Gel
It is quite effective to treat certain skin conditions and tinea versicolor is one of them. Apply some fresh aloe gel on the affected areas for a few hours in the day. You could also purchase an aloe preparation from the market. Use this remedy for 2 weeks like the other remedies for effective results.
Lemon or lemon juice is great against tinea versicolor. You could apply some diluted lime juice on the areas that are affected and leave it on until you take a bath the next day. Make sure you dilute the lime juice because it will be harsh on your skin. Also, lime helps in preventing blemishes and scars that might be left behind.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.