5 Amazing Herbal Remedies For Glowing Skin

Skin is the largest organ of the body and it covers the entire anatomy of a human being. However, it is not merely a cover; it adds beauty and shapes your appearance. Your skin may be dark, brown or white, but irrespective of the color a glowing skin reflects your beauty into the beholders eyes and makes people attracted to you. However, everybody is not gifted with a glowing skin.

Glowing Skin

You may be very fair, but your skin may be like that of a dead man – rough and without any lustre. This is very disappointing from cosmetic point of view. It may also signify lack of your vitality. However you can get a glowing skin with some herbal preparations. Let us explore some of these herbal remedies.

Herbal Remedies For Glowing Skin


This ancient herb is very useful for getting a glowing skin. This is because it has been seen that chamomile helps in reducing the fine lines and wrinkles in your face. It heals the skin fast and that helps in doing away with the lines and wrinkles. The compound responsible for this property is alpha bisabolol which is found in chamomile. It is also anti-inflammatory nature which helps in healing any inflammation of the skin. So apply a facewash of chamomile tea twice daily.


Olive Oil And Aragan Oil

Olive oil is a host of various nutrients that are beneficial for the skin. Aragan oil is a very good moisturizer. So if your skin is dry and pale in nature you need a combination of these two.

With regular application of a mixture of olive oil and aragan oil your skin will gain in glow and vivacity. You will have a glowing skin.

Olive Oil And Aragan Oil


You may have had a glowing skin, but with time and age dark circles have come up below the eyes and the glow of your skin has become subdued to some extent. This may be because of excessive stress. The skin has become dry and stressed. This can be rectified to a large extent with cucumber. Cucumber is a good moisturizer and relaxant for the skin. It helps the skin to come out of the stress and also become moist. So apply pieces of sliced cucumber on the face, over the eyes and under the eye. Also eat some cucumber every day.



Lavender has been known for a long time for its relaxing effects on the nervous system. However, it is great for your skin too. It has a soothing effect on the skin.

It contains a compound known as linalool which helps in skin healing, prevents tissue degeneration, prevent wrinkles and keeps the skin tight. So apply lavender cream every day all over the body to get a glowing skin.


Aloe vera

This is perhaps one of the oldest known herbs for use on skin. It is anti-inflammatory, soothing and a very good moisturizer. If your skin is dry in nature then aloe vera of tremendous use. Use fresh aloe vera gel all over the body at least thrice a week. This will add glow to your skin.

Aloe Vera

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.