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A toothache is a pain that is experienced in the gum, teeth area or in the jaws. Individual may experience soreness or pain around or within a tooth or jaw. Dental cavities are the major cause of pain in teeth.
Causes of toothache
Dental cavities are the major cause for toothache. Bacteria present in mouth result in the formation of plaques which stick to the teeth and eventually leads to the formation of acids. These acids weaken the teeth enamel resulting in cavity.
You get the worse form of this toothache at the time of eating hot or cold food. Other common toothache causes are tooth abscess, gum disease, aggravated tooth root, cracked tooth, and a teeth condition known as ‘temporomandibular joint’ that generally have an effect on the jaws. Toothache may also be an indication of ear infections, heart attack and sinusitis.
Toothache can occur at any time or age without any prior notice and cannot be ignored. If you get a toothache its better to fight them with simple and effective toothache remedies which are better and safer than ‘over-the-counter’ medications.
Home remedies for toothache are as follows
Fresh Garlic
Fresh garlic is known to be natural antiseptic and very effective in eliminating teeth pain. A common factor of toothache is an infection, and the chemical ‘Allicin’ in garlic act as antibiotic. Take some fresh garlic and peel the outer layer. Break a clove and open it. Place the clove in between your painful tooth and the cheek. Garlic is a wonderful and easily available home remedy for toothache.
Salt Water
Salt water is an effective and simple trick to get instant relief. Take a cup of cold water. Add one or two teaspoon of salt to it. Use the salt water solution as mouth wash and rinse your mouth for a couple of minutes. Spit out and wash. Though it gives short-tern solution but will ease the pain for few hours.
Onion works wonders in alleviating tooth pain. Place a small onion piece on the painful tooth. You can place it on gum too. Onion contains antibacterial properties and help to kill germs present in mouth.
Wheat grass
Wheat grass juice is excellent to get rid of toothache. Use the juice as a mouthwash. Regular use of the juice prevents tooth decay, removes toxins from gums and even controls the growth of bacteria. Wheatgrass is also a very beneficial natural remedy for toothache.
Bay berry And Vinegar
Bayberry gives a natural cure to toothache. Prepare a paste of bark of bay berry and add little vinegar to it. Apply the paste on the affected tooth. It will ease the tooth pain.
Combine a dash of pepper (powder) and common salt. Apply the mixture on the painful teeth. It works excellent against the aggravated teeth sensitiveness and provides a natural toothache treatment.
Oregano Oil
Soak a cotton ball in oregano oil and put it on your painful teeth. It exhibit ‘antimicrobial activity’ that work against the food-borne ‘pathogens’ which actually cause the tooth decay. This is a very good herbal remedy for toothache.
Clove Oil And Olive Oil
Clove oil is a natural antibacterial and pain killer. It contains ‘eugenol’ that helps to relieve toothache. Mix 1/4th teaspoon of olive oil with two to three drops pure clove oil. Soak a cotton ball in the mixture and place it beside your painful tooth. However never use clove oil in an undiluted form.
It may cause nerve or tissue damage, burning and pain. Clove oil, if taken orally in large doses may cause sore throat, vomiting, seizure, kidney failure, difficulty in breathing or even liver damage. Also never apply clove oil directly on broken skin. Pregnant women, children, people with liver or kidney disease, bleeding disorders or diabetes should refrain from using clove oil.
Ice is a common and easy toothache treatment. It eases the pain and very simple to apply. Hold an ice cube on the aching tooth till the pain settles down. Ice also helps to prevent and soothe swelling.
Alternatively you can also rub ice between the area of your thumb and forefinger for couple of minutes. This is a good home toothache remedy. It eases the toothache by overpowering the pain impulses that travel through nerve pathways. This remedy gives 60 to 90% success.
Activated Charcoal
Prepare a paste by mixing 2 teaspoon activated charcoal powder with adequate amount of water. Put it on gauze and position the gauze over your affected teeth. You will get activated charcoal at any medical store or at any natural health store.
Vanilla Extract
You may apply vanilla extract on your throbbing teeth. This remedy may work for some and not for everybody.
Take a small cup of brandy. Soak a piece of cotton ball in the brandy and hold it against your affected tooth. It will help to alleviate the tooth pain. For people who love drinks, take a mouthful of whisky and hold it over your aching tooth. It will help to numb your gum thus reduce the pain. Anyway, do not go on taking whisky as it is not the remedy for toothache.
Preventive Tips for toothache
Taking good care of teeth and gums is the best natural remedy to avoid toothache. Rinse your teeth and gums regularly, especially after each meal. Brush your teeth, recommended two times a day, to remove the morsels that stick between your teeth. This is a good practice of oral hygiene following which can never give rise to any tooth pain. Keep in your house toothpaste that contains Fluoride. A tooth pain caused by cavities can be completely removed by brushing gently with fluoride toothpaste.
You need to note that every individual has a different set of teeth. Some remedy that works excellent for others may show moderate result on you. Select a couple of remedies and find out what works for you. If the problem persist or if you face severe pain again after some days, always consult a dentist to find the root cause of your problem. Never leave or else you may need a tooth to pull out.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.