5 Herbal Remedies For Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy or poison oak is commonly found in North America. The plant, which is primarily a creeper, is known for causing skin allergies and rashes in both humans and animals. In some cases the rashes caused by poison ivy can be serious and require immediate medical attention. However, in most cases of poison ivy rashes the treatment can be easily done at home to soothe the skin and lessen the effects of the ivy. Body parts like eyes, lips and the genitals are more prone to being affected by poison ivy than other body parts. If you have come in contact with poison ivy your body will start showing the after effects within 36 hours of exposure. The color of the skin will turn red and it will be extremely itchy. Soon the red rashes will turn into painful and itchy blisters. In young children exposure to poison ivy also causes fever and nausea. Mild poison ivy attack usually takes a week to get better. In the meantime, you can try some simple but effective herbal remedies at home.

Tips To Cure Poison Ivy Naturally

Herbal remedies are all natural remedies and can be easily done at home. Most of the herbal care products are available in ayurvedic shops. However, to get rid of poison ivy symptoms completely you have to be regular in the use of these treatments.

Burdock Roots For Treating Poison Ivy

Burdock Roots

Cooked taproot of Burdock plant is a popular dish in the Asian cuisine though Europeans have not introduced it in their food. The roots of the plant are used extensively in ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of skin allergies and rashes. Burdock roots are very effective in curing poison ivy rashes as well. Use burdock roots by preparing their infusion. Boil 300 grams of burdock roots in sufficient quantity of water. Let the water boil for 20-25 minutes. Allow the infusion to cool completely. When the water cools down strain it and throw away the roots. Cool the water in the refrigerator for two hours. Dip a clean cloth in the water and squeeze it well. Apply the cloth on the affected area and leave for 5-7 minutes. Repeat the treatment. The treatment should be done after every two hours. On the first day of the treatment you will see a noticeable difference. The swelling as well as the redness of the skin will reduce considerably.

Aloe Vera For Treating Poison Ivy

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a medicinal plant that Ayurveda has been exploiting since centuries. The soothing properties of aloe vera make it the ideal balm for injuries, skin rashes and blisters. Hence,s it is very effective in the treatment of poison ivy rashes. Take an aloe vera leaf and wash it well under running water. Carefully peel the green skin of the leaf. Skinning the leaf will reveal a white gel-like substance. It is this white gel that has amazing healing properties. Mash the gel well using a mortar and pestle. If using electric mixer, you will have to add a little water to make paste-like consistency. After mashing the gel refrigerate it for an hour or so. After the aloe vera paste cools down apply it liberally on the affected areas of the skin. Do not apply the paste on the lips. Aloe vera is non-poisonous but some people may not like the bitter taste of the plant. Leave the paste on the skin for 20 minutes and then wash it off using cold water. Repeat the treatment after a couple of hours. The treatment should be done regularly for 4-5 days to get rid of the poison ivy rashes completely. You will see that the inflammation and redness will reduce and the medicinal properties of aloe vera will prevent the skin from breaking into blisters.

Goldenseal For Treating Poison Ivy


Goldenseal is a medicinal herb that is native of North America. People of the region are well aware of its healing properties and for centuries they have used the herb to treat inflammation and rashes caused by poison ivy. The herb can be found in powdered form as well as in capsule form in leading ayurvedic stores. Goldenseal needs to be consumed orally since it helps the body from within. It strengthens the immune system and helps fight outside allergens. Two capsules of goldenseal need to be taken for a period of ten days to effectively treat poison ivy rashes.

Witch Hazel For Treating Poison Ivy

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel has astringent properties that are very effective in soothing inflammation of the skin. Witch hazel toners are very popular among people suffering from acne because of this very reason. However, the herb is also very useful in treating inflammation caused by poison ivy.

Also Read

5 Home Remedies For Poison Ivy
How To Treat Poison Ivy
How To Cure A Poison Ivy Rash

Prepare a bath of witch hazel water. Take 425 grams of witch hazel and boil it in 750 liters of spring water. Boil the water for 30 minutes. Strain the infusion and pour the water in a bath tub. Allow the water to cool down before filling some more water in the tub. Soak your body in this water for 10 minutes. This treatment should be done twice a day. Witch hazel bath will provide you immediate relief from itching that generally accompanies the inflammation. Take this bath at night before going to bed for a restful sleep. Alternatively, you can also apply the infusion of witch hazel water on the affected body parts using a clean cloth. Simply dip the cloth in the treated water and then spread it on the skin affected with rashes. This treatment can be done whenever you feel the urge to itch.

Jewelweed For Treating Poison Ivy


Ironically, the best and most effective treatment for poison ivy grows right next to it! The jewelweed is an herb that is famously found growing near poison ivy. Many campers simply pick up the herb when they see that they have accidently touched poison ivy. The herb is very simple to use. Crush the plant and apply the resulting juice on the affected area and leave on for a couple of hours. Wash off using cold water and then re-apply the juice of the herb. Do this treatment 5-6 times a day for five days.

5 Herbal Remedies For Poison Ivy

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.