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The thyroid gland is responsible for producing hormones which control the metabolic activities in our body. This gland is itself monitored by the pituitary gland which tells it how much hormone is required by the body and accordingly to increase or decrease its production.When the pituitary gland is unable to send proper signals to the thyroid gland then it malfunctions and produces either too much of hormone or insufficient amounts of it which causes thyroid diseases. When the production of the hormone is less than normal then it is known as hypothyroidism and when the production exceeds normal limits then it is known as hyperthyroidism. The main symptoms are weight gain or weight loss, lethargy, weariness and fatigue, dry skin and loss of appetite.
Best Home Remedies For Thyroid
This common vegetable has astounding healing and curative powers because of its huge medicinal values. Its antioxidant properties not only detoxify the body but also enhance the function of the immune system.They prevent the immune system from attacking the thyroid gland and causing it to malfunction. Eating onions round the year with salads and in food preparations is a good way staying healthy and free from diseases.
Kelp is a sea weed that is full of valuable nutrition and antibiotic properties. It has vast reserves of iodine, calcium and potassium which make it an invaluable remedy for people suffering from thyroid problems. Thyroid problems are mainly caused by iodine deficiency so in order to replenish the scarcity, kelp becomes the obvious solution. Eating about a tablespoon of kelp everyday will remove your thyroid problems and its symptoms.
Walnuts are an appetizing snack full of valuable nutrition which not only prevent innumerable diseases and ailments but also keep the body fit and strong and well able to withstand infections.They are very beneficial for thyroid problems because of their high content of selenium. Selenium is most crucial for the proper functioning of the thyroid and to maintain the proper production of the thyroid hormone. Eat walnuts first thing in the morning to stay healthy and free from thyroid problems.
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Natural Remedies For Thyroid Problems
You name a disease or disorder and garlic is the most natural cure and solution for it. This age old remedy heals and cures a wide range of diseases and bodily dysfunctions. People who eat garlic extensively, rarely succumb to infections and diseases.It simply abounds in essential nutrients and antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which enable the body’s immune system to stay strong, healthy and well functioning. Mince some cloves of garlic and swallow one teaspoon of it with water everyday.
Asparagus has numerous healing and curative powers. It is rich in vitamin A, B complex, C and E and contains appreciable amounts of potassium, selenium, phosphorus and copper all of which contribute to the health of the pituitary gland as well as the thyroid gland. It is also high in antioxidants which boost the immune system and help it to function optimally. Eat raw asparagus after washing it well with warm water.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.