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The age of 50 is a period when the body of a woman undergoes many changes. Females have reproductive abilities but after 50 years they take a major step forward to reach the menopausal zone. It is when the musculoskeletal structure starts getting weak with a variety of symptoms to combat. As women do not remain sexually productive anymore, two prime female hormones, Estrogen and Progesterone, go missing.
These two hormones actually preserve the beauty of women in child bearing years. The utter lack of these hormones results in bone density problems, like Osteoporosis, Osteomalacia and Osteoarthritis. Moreover, the immune system faces weakness and frequent suppression with recurring infection. Many postmenstrual symptoms, such as chills, night sweats and hot flashes are really bothersome. Daily intake of vitamins can bring improvements in the health of cells.
Importance of Vitamins For Women Above 50 Years
Vitamin D
Bone health can play a big role in preserving longevity. The bone health begins to decline with aging as metabolism and energy levels become sluggish. The protective shield over the bones built by two major female hormones breaks down too.
Calcium intake strengthens the bones and Vitamin D ensures the formation of cartilages. 600mg of calcium, 300mg of magnesium along with 500 IU of Vitamin D3 can keep bone problems at bay.
Vitamin B2, B6 And B12
For a healthy immune system and heart, Vitamin B variants are essential in aged ladies. 4mg of B6 and 400 mcg of B12 are enough for good energy production. Active cell metabolism and energy building properties are the results of Vitamin B6 synthesis along with active ingredients of riboflavin and thiamine in the human body. B12 provides aid in support of the central nervous system and prevents cardiologic diseases affecting heart.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K in the diet can significantly reduce joint and hips problem in women above 50 years. Best known for its contribution in blood clotting, Vitamin K is needed also for the production of structural bone protein namely osteocalcin. Vitamin K is available in green foods, such as broccoli, sprouts, cabbage and asparagus as well as in herbs, such as alfalfa and wheat grass.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is essential for impaired eyesight. 1000 IU of Vitamin A can effectively act on all the causes that produce eyesight limitations with aging. Vitamin A also contributes to the problems of hair and skin. There are many foods available in the market that contain high amount of this vitamin.
You can get vitamin A from milk, cheese, eggs and butter. Besides that, chicken, kidney as well as liver also supply the adequate amount of this particular vitamin. There are different types of fish that contain vitamin A, such as, trout, mackerel and herring.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is directly related to building a protein called collagen, which holds together the whole musculoskeletal structure through smoothening up of the path of blood vessels. 400 mg of vitamin C twice a day is capable of bringing back those old young days.
Most of the fresh vegetables and fruits contain vitamin C in high amount. You can consume strawberries, mango, oranges and kiwi fruit to get this vitamin.
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