5 Natural Cures To Pancreatic Cancer

Natural Treatments For Pancreatic Cancer

Though cancer has no cure through medicine, yet certain natural remedies are available to ease the pain of the people suffering from pancreatic cancer. The natural cure includes:

Tips To Cure Pancreatic Cancer Naturally



The mixture of the powder of three fruits viz., ‘myrobalan’ (Terminalia chebula), ‘belleric myrobalan’ (Terminalia belerica) and ‘amla’ (Emblica officinalis), constitute the ‘triphala’. It has been proved that ‘triphala’ helps to cease the growth of cells of pancreatic cancer in a natural way.

Nigella Sativa

Nigella Sativa

Black caraway or black cumin or nigella sativa also helps to slow down the growth of pancreatic cancer cells in the patients. Other than this, there are some other processes that might help in the natural cure for pancreatic cancer. They are as follows –

Lower Acidic Body Fluids

It has been found that the patients suffering with cancer possess high acidic body fluids. Thus, if the percentage of the acidic fluid of the body may be reduced, it is possible to stop the growth of the pancreatic cancer cells. However, it is not scientifically proved.

Use Of Alkaline Foods

Use Of Alkaline Foods

Intake of alkaline food helps in preventing the growth of cancer cells. Alkaline food contains more oxygen, which in turn prevents growth of the cancer cells. Onions and garlic can serve the purpose of a natural cure for preventing the growth of the cells of pancreatic cancer.

Nutrition Therapy

Nutrition Therapy

Nutrition therapy has some effect in the prevention of growth of pancreatic cancer cells. The anti-cancer formula of turmeric becomes quite strong when mixed with nutrients as powerful as olive oil, fish oil and black pepper. Intake of plenty of food enriched in vitamin D will also serve as a natural cure to the disease. Cruciferous vegetables and green tea are a powerful element that helps in restricting the growth of the pancreatic cancer cells, thus providing cure to the pain of the disease in a natural way.

Eating foods rich in vitamin and mineral content will help in strengthening the immune system of your body. This will in turn help in preventing the growth of any kind of cancer cells in your body, including pancreatic cancer cells. An effective immune system will ensure sufficient amount of enzymes to release in the body. Since enzymes are an effective component in fighting the cancer cells, an effective immune system will thus provide natural cure for the disease. Fruits, vegetables, and even fishes rich in minerals and vitamins should be taken in plenty, in order to cure the effects of the pancreatic cancer to a large extent, naturally.

Fibrous foods such as, fresh fruits and vegetables grown organically and brown rice helps in detoxifying the body. This is very important form the point of view of a person suffering from pancreatic cancer. Prevention of further growth of the cancer cells needs the body to detoxify itself, and remain fresh always. Beets, artichokes, cabbages, seaweed, radishes are excellent examples of foods that will help in detoxifying your body. Thus, it will help in natural cure to suppress the growth of the cancer cells to a great extent.


Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.