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Forming a major part of the skin flora, staphylococcus primarily resides on the human skin and the nose. As long as it remains on the natural barriers of our body like the outer layer of the skin and the nasal passage, it is considered to be non-pathogenic and harmless.However, when exposed to an open wound, cut, injury or a lesion on the body, these bacteria enter the deeper layers of the skin creating a range of pus filled infections like furnucles, carbuncles, abscesses, pimples, etc.
In certain cases antibiotics do not prove effective in treating staph infection because of the resistance that these bacteria have developed due to the overuse of these antibiotics.However, there are several natural ways of treating staph infection that are not only less expensive and less damaging but are comprised of multiple components, which pose a great challenge for the bacteria to produce a resistance to.
Natural Remedies To Cure Staph Infection
Foods That Enhance Your Immune System
Beat the symptoms of staph infection by strengthening your immune system, thus enabling it to ward off the disease causing microbes in a more effective way.Organic yogurt is rich in probiotics that stimulate the production of gamma interferons by the immune system to fight staphylococcus bacterial infection. Use raw foods like broccoli, spinach, mushrooms and other foods containing probiotics to boost the production of white blood cells, killer cells, antibodies that enhance your immune system.
In fact, mushrooms also aid in adjusting the pH of the body to strengthen the immune system, thereby allowing it to fight the infection with a greater efficiency. Until you get rid of the infection, ensure that you consume 2-4 teaspoons of lime juice by seasoning and sprinkling it on all your foods like meat, salads and meals.Vitamin C provided by lime, acts as a very potent antioxidant that boosts the ability of the body to kill the invading bacteria through its anti-bacterial action.
Keep The Skin Clean By Using An Anti-Bacterial Soap
Staph is present all over your body, making it an easy task for it to pass through the infected areas thereby, aggravating the symptoms of the infection. Hence, it is extremely important to prevent staph transmission by protecting the injured and the infected area from getting in contact with the rest of the body parts.
Keep the affected area clean and covered in a clean dressing. Constantly washing your hands and maintaining a good hygiene has been found to be the most effective way of cutting down on staph infections. Use your physicians help to get an antibacterial soap, warm soaks and antibiotic ointment to prevent more bacteria from entering the infected site.
Traditionally used as a herb for fighting infections, garlic has been in use for fighting staph infections, even before the invention of antibiotics. It is endowed with about 27 active ingredients that serve as potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents thus, aiding in the maintenance of a healthy immune system.
Most importantly, it is composed of a broad spectrum anti-microbial agent called “allicin” that aids in killing the infection causing bacteria. Consume about one or two cloves of fresh garlic and avoid the consumption aged garlic and processed garlic oil.Allicin is a very sensitive and an easily degradable compound and therefore, processed and aged garlic does not produce the same effect as fresh garlic does.
Tea Tree Oil
The effectiveness of tea tree oil in fighting staph infections, through its anti-bacterial activity has been well-documented and is backed by numerous studies.When applied on the affected area, it goes deep inside the skin and kills staphylococcus, thus preventing them from multiplying and worsening the infection. It mostly treats staph infections that occur as a result of fungal infections like athlete’s foot.
All though, it has limited side effects when compared to antibiotics, some people may develop skin rashes due to its strong odor and its intense nature. In such cases, it is advisable to dilute the oil by using almond or olive oil as a base.
Heat Pads
The warmth and heat that heating pads provide help in improving blood circulation to the inflamed, pus-filled and painful bumps on your skin. The faster the blood flows, the easier it gets for white blood cells and antibodies to reach the site of localized infection, helping the immune system in fighting the infection at a faster rate.
Manuka Honey
Known for an exceptional anti-bacterial activity, manuka honey has been found to be more effective than the standard antibiotics in treating staph infection.It is not the same as the honey that you will find in a local supermarket. Moreover, certain types of manuka honeys are found to be more effective than others and hence, it is important to discuss with your doctor, about which type would heal your condition better.
Also, people who are allergic to bee products and suffer from diabetes must stay cautious while using this as a remedy to treat staph infection. Diabetic patients should bear in mind that manuka honey is composed of about 30% glucose and should not be consumed before consulting a doctor.
Also Read
5 Ways To Cure Staph Infection
Natural Cures For Staph Infection
Multivitamin Supplements
Vitamins serve as the most effective means of strengthening your immune sytem. However, most of our diets lack sufficient amounts of vitamins, making it mandatory to take multivitamin supplements to wardoff the invading staphylococcus bacteria.
Detoxify Your Body
Many toxins can accumulate in the body as a result of certain medications, environmental pollution and through the build-up of the body’s own metabolic by-products. Hence, it is crucial to eradicate these toxins to enable the immune system to fight the infection better.Besides consuming a diet rich in antioxidants, exercise is one of the most effective ways of neutralizing these toxins and maintaining an optimal and a healthy immune system.
If you suspect a staph infection, pay a visit to your nearet supermarket or health store to extract the benefits of the above mentioned remedies for treating staph infections.However, it is important to consult a doctor and find out what natural treatments are suitable enough to treat the severity of your condition. If left untreated for a long time, staph infections can cause life-threatening consequences.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.