Pernicious Anemia and What Causes it

Pernicious anemia is a rare form of anemia. The blood disorder is characterized by the body’s inability to produce and use the vitamin b-12. B-12 is an important part of hemoglobin and red blood cell production. The hemoglobin and red blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body.  The amount of oxygen reduce and the body will not be able to function properly.

There are many different pernicious anemia symptoms. Each person will experience different pernicious anemia symptoms depending on the severity of the case. One of the most common symptoms is fatigue. This is not only common among pernicious anemia, but all types of anemia. It is caused by the body overworking due to the lack of oxygen. Dizziness is also a common pernicious anemia symptom. The brain is not getting enough oxygen which can lead to lightheadedness and even fainting. Shortness of breath, heart palpitations and chest pains are also common pernicious anemia symptoms. The heart is working overtime to help the organs and tissues function properly so it can cause these symptoms to form. Pale skin and cold feet and hands are also pernicious anemia symptoms that can occur due to lack of oxygen and reduced blood flow.

Pernicious anemia can become very serious and may even lead to death. It is important to know the treatment options for pernicious anemia to avoid increased severity and other health conditions. The best treatment for pernicious anemia is increasing the levels of b-12 in the body. You can take a b-12 supplement for this. The supplement will give you the amount your need for the hemoglobin to function correctly. You could also change your diet to include foods that are high in vitamin b-12. Red meat, poultry, fish and dairy are great ways to get a high amount of b-12. Sometimes, the pernicious anemia case is very severe. When this happen, a doctor may prescribe a b-12 shot to increase the b-12 levels.

Since pernicious anemia can become very severe it is important to diagnose and treat it right away. Knowing the different pernicious anemia symptoms will help diagnose it more quickly. If you notice any of the symptoms, speak with your doctor and be on your way to a symptoms free life.

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