Top 4 Huntington’s Disease Symptoms

4 Huntington's Disease Symptoms

The Huntington’s disease is a genetic disorder that initially affects the coordination of the muscles and slowly gives rise to psychiatric and cognitive disorder.

The symptoms might not be the same for all and it differs from person to person. As the condition aggravates the symptoms become more obvious as it affects the overall condition and functioning of the person.

4 Major Symptoms of Huntington’s Disease

Movement Disorder

Movement Disorder

This is one of the Huntington’s disease symptoms. This disorder can either be voluntary or involuntary. The person might show symptoms called chorea which means involuntary jerking, another symptom is the person might contract the muscle involuntarily for a long time and this symptom is called dystonia.

The muscles of the person suffering this condition are usually very rigid, most of the movements are very slow and there could be a lack of coordination in the movement. The movements of the eye are also very slow and nonstandard.

Their posture and ability to balance might not be great. The person might find it very difficult to swallow and also the ability of speech is hampered and speaking becomes a herculean task for them. All this would hamper the day to day activity of the person.

Cognitive Disorder

Cognitive Disorder

The other Huntington’s disease symptom is cognitive impairments. This kind of disorder normally includes the following, the person finds it very difficult to plan, prioritize, organize and do any activity or task.

They are incapable of starting or making a conversation, once they get stuck to a thought it is almost impossible to get them over it, they do not have complete control over themselves and tend to behave in a very impulsive manner.

They might not be completely aware of their behavior as a result if which they might behave irrationally, one can see a drastic reduction in their spatial ability because of which their entire behavior might look very clumsy, they cannot concentrate on a task for a long time and their ability to take in any new information is slow and in some cases it is almost mil.

Psychiatric Disorders

Another Huntington’s disease symptom is psychiatric disorder. Depression is the main symptom that is associated with this disease. The other common disorders include the following, the person always feels very low and sad, the person has no interest in doing any activity irrespective of how interesting it is, they tend to withdraw themselves from people and they do not socialize.

Psychiatric Disorders

People who have this disease either suffer from excessive sleeping or severe insomnia and they always feel sluggish and exhausted. Besides this, they feel guilty and helpless, they are unable to make a proper decision as they have a very distracted thinking and poor levels of concentration and they have high suicidal tendencies, as well.

Common Disorder

Usually the person suffering from these diseases suffers from obsessive compulsive disorder, mania or bipolar disorder. The other things that one can notice in people suffering from this condition are anxiety, irritability and apathy.

This condition can affect younger people also but then the symptoms are a little different, it is advisable to consult a physician as soon as one notices all or any other symptoms mentioned above.

Common Disorder

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