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Dry eyes have now become a common complaint, mainly during the allergy season. Tears are important to help the eyes stay healthy. They clean the debris and also reduce the risks of infections. There are a lot of reasons that can reduce the natural lubrication in the eyes that often leads to dry eyes such as lack of sleep, poor diet or hormonal changes.
In this condition you may experience burning sensation in the eyes along with itchiness and swelling in the eyes. There are a number of treatments that can treat the problem of dry eyes ranging from eye drops to various surgeries but herbal remedies are considered to be one of the best remedies for treating the dry eyes naturally. Some of the herbal remedies include flaxseed oil, herbal tea, evening primrose oil, eyebright and chamomile.
Effective Herbal Remedies For Dry Eyes
Flaxseed oil is one of the most effective herbal remedies for treating dry eyes. You can take flaxseed oil in the form of liquid or capsule, which is easily available in a licensed herbal store. You can take the flaxseed orally but make sure you never apply it directly on your eyes as it may cause some irritation to your eyes.
The dosages of flaxseed oil may differ from one person to another depending upon the intensity of the problem, so it is recommended to consult with an expert herbalist to confirm about the dosages that will be appropriate for treating your dry eyes.
Chrysanthemums And Ligustrum
In Chinese medicine, experts believe that dry eyes occur due to the problems caused by the toxins in the body. Herbalists have observed benefits from taking tea made from ligustrum or chrysanthemums.These herbs help in cleansing the liver to clear away the toxins from the blood stream naturally. Chrysanthemum tea is made using its flowers. You can drink Ligustrum tea or even ingest it in the form of supplement two to three times per day in a dose of 5 mg for fast relief from dry eyes.
Evening Primrose
Evening primrose is also considered to be very effective in treating dry eyes. The seeds of this herb contain high amounts of lineolic acid, which is a fatty acid that is not produced in the body. You may take about 500 mg of evening primrose to experience some instant relief from dry eyes.
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Eyebright, botanically known as Euphrasia officinalis is considered to be very effective in treating dry eyes. You can make tea or ingest it to treat the dry eyes problem. Drink 2 or 3 cups of tea made from eyebright every day to get some relief.In addition, you can also wash your eyes externally to heal the problem. It is recommended not to internally wash the eyes with eyebright as it may cause some infection.
Chamomile, also known as Matricaria chamomilla contains anti inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic properties that can greatly help in treating dry eyes. Brew a strong chamomile tea by mixing 4 tablespoons of dry chamomile blossoms in a cup of hot boiling water for about 15 minutes.
Strain the plant material and let a clean cloth soak in the chamomile tea. You need to wait till the tea gets cooler than the body temperature and then apply it to the eyes. It will help in treating redness, inflammation and other symptoms of dry eyes.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.