Top 7 Acid Reflux Symptoms

Acid reflux is a medical condition that leads to irritable esophagus. This condition develops due to the backing up of the acid from stomach. Esophagus is the food pipe that stretches from the throat till the stomach and the food travels down this food pipe, esophagus.

Acid Reflux

It is one of the most common ailments affecting a lot of people throughout the world. This condition not only affects adults but also infants and small children. There are a number of symptoms that needs to be understood to diagnose this condition and consult the doctor before it gets worse and causes severe discomfort.

Some of the main symptoms of acid reflux are severe heartburn, abdominal pain, indigestion, vomiting, nausea, and chest pain.

Common Symptoms of Acid Reflux


Heartburn or acid indigestion is one of the main symptoms of acid reflux. If you are suffering from acid reflux, you may experience burning sensation in your chest or in the upper central portion of the abdomen. The heart burning sensation often begins in the chest and spreads to the throat, neck and sometimes to the jaws.



Regurgitation is also an important symptom of acid reflux. It is the ejection of the undigested food from the mouth, esophagus or the pharynx. Sometimes, in severe acid reflux, you may even experience expulsion of blood.


Chest Pain

Chest pain is a hallmark symptom of acid reflux in which the stomach splashes the acid into the esophagus. The pain could vary from being mild to severe depending on the condition of the acid reflux. Sometimes, the chest pain may last longer than expected and may become more intense over a period of time, adding to the discomfort. The chest pain in acid reflux cannot be ignored even if you wish to because it worsens with time, exercise and exertion.

Chest Pain

Abdomen Pain

In acid reflux, the abdomen pain increases as soon as you lie down. The acid escapes faster into the esophagus when you bend or lie down. This is considered to be a potent symptom of acid reflux. The gravity helps in keeping the food in your stomach when you are in a sitting or standing position. However, as soon as you lose gravity, the acid reflux increases, causing increase in the abdomen pain.

Abdomen Pain

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Bitter Taste

A bitter taste is a significant sign of acid reflux. The acid sometimes escapes to your throat from the stomach, leaving you with a bitter taste in the mouth. This may also cause choking in certain extreme cases.

Bitter Taste

Sore Throat

Sore throat, a trademark symptom of cold and flu is also one of the main symptoms of acid reflux and other digestive problems. If you are suffering from acid reflux, you may experience sore throat and throat pain only after your daily meals. If you do not get other cold or flu symptoms like sneezing or sniffling along with sore throat, then this may be a symptom of acid reflux.

Sore Throat


Nausea is a common acid reflux symptom that affects people mainly after the meals. If you experience this regularly, then consider consulting a doctor, for it could be a potent symptom of acid reflux.


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