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Tea has always been considered as “health-drink”. The most famous tea in today’s period is Green Tea. It requires no introduction. Although all of us came to know about the benefits of Green Tea very late but today it is one of the famous health drinks. Only Chinese knew the benefits of consuming it. If a choice is placed in front of the Chinese people to select between Green Tea and food, they will go for tea. But today it is famous all over the world because of the benefits it renders to our health.
Health Benefits Of Drinking Green Tea
Those who drink green tea regularly have low chances of having cancer and heart disease. Green tea is very beneficial in curing numerous disorders of health.
Free radicals that are created inside our body are the cause of ageing. The anti-oxidant’s important job is neutralizing free-radicals or oxidants that are present in our body. You can find enough quantity of anti-oxidants in green tea.The presence of Catechin Polyphenols in the green tea is responsible mainly for the effects of anti-oxidizing. Therefore, consuming green tea regularly delays the ageing symptoms.
Boosting Immunity
It has been shown by numerous researchers that all those who are drinking green tea regularly have a strong immunity system and do not fall ill easily. Their body has the capacity of fighting against common viral and bacterial infection. Catechins present in green tea strengthen our immunity system.
Reduces Cholesterol
The level of cholesterol can be reduced at some degree with the help of green tea as green tea is alkaline in nature.
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Health Benefits Of Drinking Green Tea
How To Lose Weight With Green Tea
Green Tea May Reduce Lung Cancer Risk
Herbal Green Tea
Arterial And Cardiac Health
There are some specific components present in the green tea which prevents blood’s thickening. When the blood in prevented from being thicker anymore then there is a less chance of occurrence of Thrombosis, Arterial Sclerosis, Cerebral and Cardiac Strokes.
Reduces Weight
It’s true that green tea helps in reducing weight. Green tea enhances metabolism rate and burns extra fat of the body faster. Regular consumption of green tea will, for sure, is going to reduce your weight.
Another health benefit of green tea is astringency. Contractions in tissues and muscles are triggered by it thereby toning up skin and muscles. Even green tea is very beneficial for your teeth and hairs. Your teeth will fight against the cavity and washing your hair with it enhances its growth.
Anti Diabetic
When you consume green tea without sugar then the level of glucose in blood is reduced to a greater extent. Therefore, there are less chances of having the disease ——- Diabetes.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Green tea is the best medicine to fight against rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis is caused due to high inflammation in body and green tea helps in reducing the inflammation, thereby giving relief to some extent to the rheumatoid arthritis patient.So, the conclusion is that for a healthy body and better health you should include green tea in your daily diet and consume at least one cup of green tea every day.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.