Top 9 Essential Natural Cure For Depression

Nowadays, depression has become a common ailment of this modern, stressful and fast running world. Depression is not a self treated disorder and must be cured under proper medical supervision. But, there are many factors that can be handled at home to improve the condition and get recovered from the situation as fast as possible.


It may involve changing your attitude, thinking, behavior and managing stress more efficiently. At times, depression can be a symptom of a disease like anemia or hypothyroidism. As soon as one depicts depression symptoms, should consult doctor to rule it out as the symptom of an underlying disease.

Top 9 Essential Natural Cure For Depression


Expose yourself to sunlight that helps in boosting mood and elevate vitamin D levels. Ensure to take sun bath every 15 to half an hour, early morning, before it gets too hot.


Serotonin Rich Diet

Increase serotonin, an important requirement of brain, to handle situations efficiently. Include foods rich in omega 3s like herring, wild salmon, anchovies and mackerel. Have a diet rich in protein, especially in tryptophan like sea foods, nuts, grains and legumes and intake healthy fats like coconut oil. Fish oil is considered healthy and should be consumed 1 to 3 grams in a day along with meals.

Serotonin Rich Diet

Manage Diet

Include vitamin B6 that produces dopamine and serotonin, mood enhancing neurotransmitters. Though, vitamin B6 deficiency is rare, but it could be observed in individuals using tuberculosis drugs, oral contraceptives and undergoing hormone replacement therapy. Magnesium is also essential as it is required for serotonin production like vitamin B6. Many people usually are found deficient of magnesium in their diets. Magnesium rich sources include nuts, legumes, green vegetables and whole grains. Stress is known to eat away magnesium and depletes it. Hence, increase uptake of magnesium. Moreover, reduce intake of alcohol and caffeine as these lowers the mood and take one in depressive mode. These may appear to relax one in short term, but actually are responsible for worsening the condition, causing mood swings, insomnia and anxiety.

Manage Diet

Folic Acid

Vitamin B or folate is found to be lacking in depressed individuals. Therefore, one must intake folate rich foods like beans, fruits, fortified grains and green leafy vegetables. This is the common deficiency observed, but it can also be due to certain medications like birth control pills and aspirin. Folic acid is also available as part of vitamin B complex. It is shown that depressed individuals with low folate also tend to lack proper responsiveness to anti-depressants. Hence, those using anti-depressants also require folic acid for better response to medications.

Folic Acid


5 -hydroxytryptophan is naturally produced in the body that also helps in production of serotonin. Using 5 HTP supplements can be useful in boosting body’s serotonin levels, but it should never be taken, while on anti-depressants medications.


Never Skip Meals

Skipping meals will imbalance the blood sugar levels that can worse the mood swings and health. So, make sure to eat regularly all the meals and maintain blood sugar levels, to keep mood swings under control.

Never Skip Meals


Meditation is very healing for brain and helps to handle all over stressed situations of life. It only needs to be practiced on daily basis, to get its benefits in the long run. It offers all health benefits and lifts up the mood.


Talk Out

Express your troubles and worries with someone you can fully trust. If you cannot find anyone for your personal talks, then consult a therapist, they will listen patiently and will give positive feedbacks that can save one from severe depression phases.

Talk Out

Remain Active

Never follow a dull life, no matter how many troubles engulf you. Fight back with all down phases, by regularly being active through exercise. Exercises increases secretion of mood lifting endorphins like anti-depressants and charge you back to handle all problems of life.

Remain Active

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.