Understanding The Various Symptoms Of Pneumonia


Pneumonia is a medical condition which features inflammation of the lungs which is caused by the action of the infection caused by the viral, fungal or bacterial infection. Usually lungs carry out the process of filtering the germs from the air which are inhaled during the breathing process.But pneumonia is associated when germs enter the lungs causing the air sacs present in the lungs to be full of pus and fluid.This condition triggers a lot of symptoms that are associated with the disease of respiratory nature. Your doctor would usually prescribe treatments based on the symptoms you experience along with the x-ray.

Various Symptoms Of Pneumonia

Fever & Malaise

Fever & Malaise

If you are suffering from pneumonia, symptoms, such as malaise and fever associated with a high temperature are common. Malaise can be described as an early symptom of infection which causes the body to experience a feeling of discomfort. Fever is always associated with pneumonia and it might not surface in some cases.

The symptom of malaise is well known to trigger a few other symptoms such as low appetite which would cause you to refuse food and drink. Thin in turn would make you feel dehydrated which will cause a rapid increase in the heart rate. This chain of symptom is a peculiar one in this medical condition and needs immediate doctor help.

Dry Cough

Dry Cough

One of the regular symptoms of pneumonia is a dry cough. The cough is productive in nature and increases rapidly when the stage of pneumonia increases. The sputum would feature a dirty rust color, would have traces of pus, tinge of blood and slightly thicker depending on the stage of your pneumonia.

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Pain in the abdomen

Pain in the abdomen

Some of you who have this medical condition would experience pain in your abdomen. The lower part of the lungs or the lobes usually experiences the pain owing to the pneumonia infection which makes it look like a pain in the abdomen.

Breathing difficulty

Breathing difficulty

Breathing properly becomes a challenge when you have pneumonia. This is because if the lungs are infected at a higher degree owing to pneumonia which makes it runs short of oxygen. Without the required amount of oxygen, you would not be able to breathe easily and would experience difficulty in breathing.

So the breathe process would require you to inhale and faster to provide oxygen to the system which is a tiring process. This in turn causes shortness of breath. This will also be reflected in the crackling sound of your lungs when you breathe and this is well evident through the stethoscope examination done by your doctor.

Chest pain

Chest pain

As shortness of breath is discussed earlier, the next symptom this triggers is the feeling of pain over the chest area. The inflammation of the lungs and the lining of the pleural cavity which is around the lungs cause the pain in the chest area.

As you breathe in and out the pleura cavity gets irritated in the process which causes the chest pain. If you want immediate relief from such pain, you can try to take shallow breaths in order to get more amount of oxygen without experiencing any amount of pain.

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.