8 Vitamins For Pregnant Women

Doctor’s recommendation for intake of essential vitamins, nutrients and supplements will certainly guide a woman throughout her life, but it becomes a necessity during pregnancy. Any nearest pharmacy will offer an abundant supply of various vitamin supplements for pregnant women.

Vitamins For Pregnant Women

In order to maintain a healthy development of the baby, it is necessary for the mother to consume proper ingredients and nutrients. It is this proper supply of vitamins that ensures development of bones, organs and cells of a healthy baby inside the womb of the mother.

Vitamins For Pregnant Women

Vitamin A and Beta Carotene

It is the beta carotene that is converted to vitamin A in your body and whatever be their form, both of them help in development of the bones and teeth.Hence, it is among the essential nutrients during pregnancy and can be obtained from food items like liver, carrots, broccoli, yellow fruits, milk, spinach, potatoes, eggs, green and yellow vegetables and cantaloupe. A pregnant woman must take at least 770 mcg of vitamin A and beta carotene on a daily basis.

Vitamin A and Beta Carotene

Vitamin D

It helps in absorption of phosphorus and calcium and strengthening of the bones and teeth. 5 mcg of vitamin D consumption on a daily basis is necessary especially for a pregnant woman. It is obtained from fatty fish, milk and sunshine.

Vitamin D

Vitamin E

In order to generate the red blood cells and make them carry oxygen to different parts of the body, an adequate amount of vitamin E is required. It is also responsible for the development of muscles in a growing baby.Hence, an expecting mother must take at least 15 mg of vitamin E per day. This vitamin is available in food items like wheat, spinach, vegetable oil, fortified cereals and nuts.

Vitamin E

Vitamin C

A normal dosage of 80 to 85 mg of this antioxidant will ensure a healthier immune system and proper absorption of iron. It will also help to protect the delicate tissues of the babies in pregnant women. The natural foods which are rich in vitamin C include green beans, papaya, broccoli, citrus fruits, strawberries, tomatoes, bell peppers and potatoes.

Vitamin C


It helps in proper metabolism of carbohydrates to provide energy and balanced functioning of the nervous system.You can get it from wheat germ, eggs, berries, pork, pasta, whole grain, pork, nuts, fortified cereals, legumes and organ meats and a daily dosage of 1.4 mg is sufficient.



A daily dosage of 1.4 mg of this vitamin is enough to maintain a healthy skin, good eyesight and a constant supply of required energy. It is obtained from poultry, fortified cereals, meats, eggs, dairy products and fish.



It targets the nerves, skin and the digestive system and you need to consume at least 1.8 mg per day to achieve its benefits.Food items like breads, fish, peanuts, meats, eggs, milk and many other high protein fortified foods contain this vitamin.



1.9 mg of pyridoxine will help you to boost RBC production in your body and get rid of morning sickness. It is available in chicken, soybeans, spinach, carrots, bananas, wheat germ, fish, eggs, bran, liver, cabbage, peanuts, pork, cantaloupe, walnuts, peas and oats.


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