What are the Different Kinds of Aneurysms?

What is an aneurysm?

An aneurysm is a localized widening of a blood vessel. This area will fill with blood and cause a balloon-like bulge. The bulge is the aneurysm. As the aneurysm grows, it will become more engorged with blood and will cause the blood vessel to become very weak. If not treated, the aneurysm can rupture and cause more health conditions including stroke, coma or death.

What is an aneurysm of the brain?

A brain aneurysm is an aneurysm located on the artery in the brain that is responsible for supplying the brain with the blood and oxygen it needs to function properly. These can become very serious if not detected and treated quickly. Some symptoms of a brain aneurysm include sudden, severe headache, loss of consciousness, vision impairments, dilated pupils, dizziness and short-term memory loss. Stiff neck or neck pain may also be a symptoms of a brain aneurysm.

What is an aneurysm of the abdomen?

An abdominal aneurysm is an aneurysm that is located on the lower portion of the aorta. The aorta is the largest artery in the human body. It is responsible for the largest amount of blood transportation in the body. The lower portion of the aorta supplies the lower half of the body with all the blood and oxygen it needs. When an abdominal aneurysm forms it will cause the blood flow to reduce. One problem with abdominal aneurysms is they are likely to be asymptomatic until they have ruptured. You may notice slight back pain or even a pulsing sensation in the abdomen, but the symptoms will be minimal. If the aneurysm has ruptured, you will experience severe abdominal pain that spreads to the lower back and down the legs.

What is an aortic aneurysm?

An aortic aneurysm is similar to an abdominal aneurysm. However, it can happen anywhere on the aorta. The aorta is very large and runs from the chest down to the abdomen. It even goes through the diaphragm. The aneurysm may occur in the chest, abdomen, diaphragm or even close to the heart. Since the aorta is attached to the heart, the aneurysm can become very severe if not detected and treated.

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