What are the Different Symptoms of Aneurysms?

What is an aneurysm?

An aneurysm is a balloon-like bulge on the wall of a blood vessel that is filled with blood. The bulge will continue to grow if not treated and will cause the blood vessel to weaken. This will decrease blood flow to the body. The aneurysm may become so engorged with blood that is ruptures. If the aneurysm ruptures, serious health conditions may occur.

What are the symptoms of an aneurysm?

There are many different symptoms of aneurysms. They vary from location and severity. Some common symptoms are fatigue, pain, pulsating sensation, headache, neck pain and vision impairments.

What are the symptoms of an aneurysm in the abdomen that is not severe?

If the the aneurysm has not ruptured there may not be any symptoms at all. In some cases, you may notice a slight pain in the lower back or a pulsing sensation in the abdomen. The pulsing will feel similar to a heartbeat.

What are the symptoms of an aneurysm in the abdomen that is severe?

A ruptured abdominal aneurysm will come with a few symptoms. The most common is severe pain in the abdomen that spreads through the back and down the legs. You will also feel nauseous and may experience vomiting. Sometimes, low blood pressure or even shock is experienced due to loss of blood.

What are the symptoms of an aneurysm in the brain that is not severe?

Like abdominal aneurysms, sometimes an unruptured brain aneurysm will have no symptoms at all. However, you may experience a few light symptoms. Fatigue is very common among brain aneurysms. The aneurysm will decrease the blood flow to the brain. Since the blood is responsible for oxygen transportation, the brain will also have a decreased amount of oxygen. Thus, the fatigue will occur, along with some dizziness and decreased concentration. Loss of balance, speech problems and short-term memory loss may also be experienced.

What are the symptoms of an aneurysm in the brain that in severe?

Sudden, severe headache is the most common symptom of a ruptured brain aneurysm. The headache will be like nothing you have ever experienced. It will be excruciating pain and will not subside. Sensitivity to light is also a common symptom. Nausea, vomiting, stiff neck or neck pain, shortness of breath and dilated pupils may also occur.

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