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Excessive sweating is an amount or proportion with your activity level. It affects your entire body or sometimes just few areas of your body like palms, armpits, feet, back, abdomen, underarms or face. This sweating can cause embarrassment or social anxiety.
Normal sweating of the body is completely normal but excessive sweating has a condition called hyperhydrosis, this occurs when body is not exposed to warm environment. Hyperhydrosis is classified, as primary or secondary and can be due to many reasons like emotional stress, lung disease, diabetes, heart disease and shock.Common symptoms of hyperhydrosis are nervousness, anxiety and fear. Anti-anxiety medication, antiperspirants, surgery and injections are the best treatments for excessive sweating. Following are few herbs that will help get rid of hyperhydrosis.
Best Natural Remedies For Excessive Sweating
Witch Hazel
Witch hazel is a plant that is extracted from the bark and leaves of the plant into astringent liquid which can be applied to the sweating areas like underarms, soles or back. This witch hazel herb is more beneficial for facial sweating, you just have to dab a soft cotton ball in witch hazel oil and apply it on your face.You can even take this internally by make a tea out of this witch hazel plant. When you take it internally, the sweat glands from the nerve system stops and thus help to reduce the sweat produced in the body. Witch hazel is often used in deodorants as an antiperspirant.
White Peony Root
White peony root also known as Chinese peony root is grown extensively in china and is found to be very effective in treating spontaneous excessive sweating. This herb consists of removing rootlets and the coarse skin. White peony is prepared by placing to boiling water and ingested as tea. This herb is best used with cinnamon twig for spontaneous sweating and with arborvitae seeds for night sweating.
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Natural Home Remedies For Excessive Sweat
How To Treat Excessive Sweating
How To Stop Excessive Sweating
How To Stop Underarms Sweating
Astragulus also known as milk-vetch and goat’s thorn is a genus which covers more than 2000 species of shrubs and herbs. This astragulus herb has adaptogenic properties that can increase and decrease sweating as needed.It can be taken in capsule form of 1500 mg dose thrice a day. You can also consume a tea by adding 1 oz of dried root to 1 cup of boiling water. Drink this, 2-3 cups per day.
Burdock is a bitter tasting herb that works best in tincture form. This herb control excess sweating by diverting excess sweat from body to the nodes, kidneys and bowels and thus reduces the sweat coming from sweat glands. Take this tincture for few days and you will observe the difference.
Green Tea
Green tea has powerful antioxidants that helps to flush out your toxins from the system that can cause you to sweating or hyperhydrosis.This a cheap remedy for treating hyperhydrosis, just take a green tea bag, soak it and rub over the affected area or take this internally by dropping a green tea bag in boiling water for 10 minutes and drink it 2-3 times a day. For best results, drink a cup of green tea before bedtime.Hyperhydrosis is very embarrassing for everyone and can ruin one’s personal and social life. Apart from above, many other herbs like sage, tea tree oil, nettle leaf, peppermint, oak bark, fennel seeds and wheat grass juice are effective for excess sweating.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.