Herbal Home Remedies For Heartburn


You do not have to live with the discomfort of heartburn.  There are many herbal home remedies for heartburn that are safe, natural and affordable alternatives to somewhat costly and possibly harmful medications.

Herbal Home Remedies For Heartburn

Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe Vera Juice

Try drinking some aloe vera juice.  This helps soothe the irritated esophagus, which is what hurts or burns during a bout of heartburn.  You can find this juice at your local health food store, whole food store, and some supermarkets.  Some brands of it are already mixed with other juices for a nice flavor, or you can find it plain and add it to your favorite juice or tea.  Follow label for serving sizes.  Do not attempt to drink the liquid that comes straight from the aloe vera plant, as this liquid has to go through a special process to remove the latex and other properties that you should not consume.

Slippery elm

Slippery elm

Another herbal home remedies for heartburn you can try is slippery elm.  This is a type of elm tree whose bark contains a gooey substance called mucilage.  Slippery elm can be found in various flavors of herbal teas.  It is also a main ingredient found in certain brands of herbal throat lozenges.  Both the tea and the throat drops can be found at local health food stores, whole food stores and some supermarkets.  Either option can soothe and comfort the burning effects of acid reflux, or heartburn.

Marshmallow root

Marshmallow root

Marshmallow root is an herb similar to slippery elm as it contains mucilage, and also soothes and comforts the esophagus by coating it.  Marshmallow root can be purchased at health food stores, either in the bulk section where herbs are sold by the ounce, or prepackaged.  Make a tea from this by pouring eight ounces boiling water over one tablespoon of marshmallow root, steep for ten minutes and then strain it.  You can add honey if you like and have up to three cups a day.  You can also find teas that contain marshmallow root at health food stores, that are just as effective.  Do use caution with this herb if you are a diabetic as it could make your blood sugar drop too low.  Also do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Herbal Home Remedies for Heartburn

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.